Wednesday, November 20, 2013

On Our Way to South Carolina...

I am getting this blog restarted....after taking a bit of time off due to the holidays and technical difficulties... 
Here is our trip to South Carolina...
On Wednesday, November 20, we got up early and got ready to go to the airport. Mom and Dad watched the kids for us over night so we could get a good night's sleep before our long day of travelling. They also wanted to spend time with the kids before we left to go on a trip. I was able to finish packing, cleaning, and feel completely organized before going to bed on Tueday night. Wednesday morning, Alex and I picked up the kids from Gigi and Papa's house around 9:30 and headed to the airport. As we pulled up to the airport, we got a phone call that our flight was being delayed from 11:20 to 12:30 which meant that we would be missing our connection. Perfect :)
So we got our three large checked bags, 2 carseats in bags, 5 carry ons, and 2 strollers unloaded from the Tahoe and I parked it while Alex got the bags organized. We then got all checked in.
They had to change our second flight which made it so we would have more time on our layover in Atlanta. We were getting into Surside 2 and half hours later than originally planned....but that's ok. We let Adam and Adrienne know and we were all good :) We got a snack at the crappy little restaurant (no offense airport) and then headed to the gate. It's so nice travelling from a small airport. The kids ran wild. Old ladies loved watching them. Finally our plane arrived.
Charlotte was a bit uneasy.... 

Our chariot awaits!

Sawyer was intrigued with all of the trucks, tractors, and planes.

He was so excited!!

Travelling with kids, you get to board early so we got onto the plane and got settled. Charlotte was so excited to have her own seat and to be sitting by the window. We actually had our own row so Alex and Charlotte had one side of the aisle and Sawyer and I had the other.

She LOVED it.

Sawyer was in awww of everything going on outside the window.

Sawyer fell asleep right before take off and he slept the entire flight.
Charlotte was awake until we reached our flying altitude then all of the coolness wore off and she went to sleep until the end of the flight.
Both kids were complimented on being such good babes the entire flight. Alex and I both ordered alcoholic beverages.... We thought it was only fitting since this was our only vacation of the year.
We landed in Atlanta and had plenty of time for diaper changes, time to get snacks, and time for more diaper changes. (Sawyer peed through. Naturally. He does that. A lot.) We ate some pizza. The kids were pretty restless and Atlanta was NUTS. Seriously it was packed. I hate taking the kids to packed places like that. Ugh. But we boarded the plane and got settled. This flight was less enjoyable. Charlotte and I saw together this time and Sawyer sat with Alex. Kind of. We switched off and on. They were all over the place but it was a shorter flight. We were crazy relieved when the wheels hit the ground.
Adam and Adrienne picked us (and the small apartment worth of belongings we brought with us) and took us to Mimi's house. It was SO GOOD to see them. We hadn't seen them, or Mimi, since June. The kids and I rode with Adrienne in Mimi's car and Alex rode with Adam in his big 'ole truck. When we got to Mimi's, like always, she had food read for us to eat. We all ate quickly (it was almost 7 pm by the time we got done). I knew we were on borrowed time with the kiddos so Adrienne and I ran to Walmart to get the essentials...Milk, bottled water, detergent, food, snacks, breakfast stuff, etc. As we were leaving to head to Walmart for our quick run, Grandma and Grandpa Jackson arrived. The kids were able to spend time with them for awhile before bedtime. Adrienne and I shopped and went back to the beach house we were staying in with them so we could get settled. Alex's Uncle Keith has a beach house in the same community as Mimi so we stayed at his place with Adrienne and Adam and their pups. It was PERFECT. They had the beds made for us and everything ready.
Once the beach house was settled, Adrienne and I headed back over to Mimi's house. Alex said it was time to get the kids settled in for bed. Sawyer had fallen asleep on Alex's lap. Alex handed him off to Grandma Jackson for the rest of this sleeping. Poor boy peed through onto I said, he always does that.
Naturally when we got back to the beach house, both kids got bursts of energy. They LOVED meeting the dogs and playing with them.
Within minutes, Charlotte was curled up with Aunt Adrienne and Baxter. She was in love.
Once we got the kids to bed, Alex, Adam, Adrienne, and I stayed up late talking and catching up. It was so good to be reunited with them :)
Here's to five days of SC fun!!!

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