Monday, March 18, 2013

Birthday Lunch and Playing with the Robinsons

On Monday March 18th, it was the start of wedding week for Mary. However, Mary had to work and get some stuff done, so the kids and I headed up to see some of our favorites. Tracey and her family live about 2 hours North. I left around 9 am so that both kids could sleep on the way to their house. Sawyer was asleep before we even got into the car and Charlotte fell asleep while watching a movie about an hour into the drive. I actually got to have some mommy time. I got to listen to music and I even got to talk on the phone without having to request that my kiddos be quiet. Sawyer woke up with about 30 minutes left of the drive and he was actually pretty good as long as he could hold my hand.

We got to their house a few minutes after 11. As soon as we got there, Charlotte made herself at home. Her and Mitchell both have birthdays in February. Mitchell turned 3 and Charlotte turned 2. So we wanted to celebrate their birthdays. Charlotte has a soft spot in her heart for Carter... mostly because they are only 7 months apart. She is always trying to hug him and love on him.

Tracey's basement is like a dream come true for all kids. Basketball hoops, toys galore, riding toys, a slide, books, a picnic table....what more could a kid want???

Sweet Mitchell :) He gets so shy and by the time he is adjusted to us, it is time to go.

She is finally not too scared to go down the slide by herself.

Charlotte and Carter took turns driving but they felt that they both needed to be in the car.

She is going to be a crazy lady on the road when she gets older.

Sawyer started to join in the fun. Naturally he got knocked down quite a bit when he was playing with the big kids.


Mitchell decided to bang the crap out of the table with his truck.

The kids thought it was hilarious!!!

Sweet Carter man. I can not get over how blonde his hair is!

We ate some lunch and opened presents. Charlotte is ALL ABOUT presents. 

Sawyer and Carter helped too! She got an Aquapad from Aunt Tracey, Uncle Mark, and Mitchell and Carter. She also got Cinderella bubbles and a Cinderella book!! (You KNOW Tracey loved buying pink stuff for once!)

Mitchell helped open the book that they got for Sawyer...a Cars book :)

We got Mitchell bath stuff. He got an elephant watering can, some stuff to shave just like his daddy, and a bubble machine for the bath tub.

He was determined to get all of the paper off without any help. I love the independent-ness that goes on with these kids.

Sawyer just made himself at home crawling all over everyone.

Big Boy!!!!

Aunt Tracey even made cupcakes to celebrate. Charlotte and Mitchell both had candles on theirs. We sang Happy Birthday (Charlotte's favorite song) before we ate them.


As we wrapped up our visit and got stuff gathered up, all three of the older kids climbed up to the kitchen table and started eating again. They crack me up!!! :) 

Carter did a neat little trick.

We loved our visit with Aunt Tracey and the boys. Both kiddos slept the entire way home. They played hard and had a great time. :) We can't wait until our next playdate!!!!

We love you, Robinsons. Thank you for such a fun day!

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