Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sawyer Month Update: Three Months

Date: November 8, 2012

Weight: 11 lbs 5 oz a few days prior

Height: His most recent height was 23 inches.

Clothing: Our sweet boy is wearing a big 'ole size 2 diaper. It seems to swallow him, however, he pees through anything smaller. He is still rocking the size 3 months clothes. It's sad but since hasn't grown much in the last month, he isn't even close to growing out of them. He has such cute stuff that is 0-3 months...however, he has a TON of 6 month stuff that I need to fatten him up so he can start wearing them.

Sleeping: Sawyer still does really well with his sleeping at night. He does wake up 2 times a night for feedings. However, he GENERALLY eats quick, burps for a period for like 30 minutes off and on, then goes back to sleep. He starts out sleeping in his bed and moves in and sleeps in my bed. He generally goes to bed around 9 pm (after crying, screaming, and being miserable). As for naps, he takes a few of them each day. He is usually awake a few hours, naps a few hours, awake, asleep, awake, asleep. You get my drift :) And he is SUCH a belly sleeper. He sleeps so well on his belly. I am so thankful we have the Angel Monitor so he can sleep comfortably.

Eating: Sawyer was taking Soy formula until November 2. Before the doctor's appt, he was taking between 2 and 3 ounces every 3-4 hours.  If he ever took 4 ounces at one time, he would scream hysterically.  The doctor told us to switch. We then switched him to Similac for Spit up. The Similac for Spit up is sensitive formula with rice added to it. The rice actually doesn't make it thick until it hits his stomach. The doctor said to start with this formula then to even add more rice as needed. He has a healthy appetite but tends to spit up here and there. The doctor feels that all of his screaming has to do with his reflux and that if the burning can stop then maybe he will eat better! We also give him chamomile tea here and there to help with the gas and tummy troubles.

Health: As I said before, Sawyer went to the doctor so we could get his reflux figured out. I had tried to fix it all on my own but I could tell he wasn't gaining weight so it was time to see a doctor. So, Dr. Hartman put him on Zantac three times a day. She thought that this might fix the burning that comes along with the reflux. She figured one it stopped burning so much then he would feel like eating more. She also said that if this doesn't work then we could change it up and try a different medicine. Sawyer also had his first illness. He had the same cold that Charlotte had. I had to use saline drops then suction his nose out after everytime that he slept. He had to sleep elevated on a pillow bc every other way he could not breathe. Poor poor baby. He got over it in about a week. 

Personality: When our boy isn't in pain and he isn't refluxing, he is a such a happy baby... as you can see by the pictures. He gets so tired and sore from refluxing, and being tense from that that he sleeps quite a bit. When we have the happy, quiet moments before the pain starts, he is just such a joy to be around. He is so great. That smile just melts my heart. He coos when you sit and talk to him. He will laugh when he is tickled esp when I tickle his neck. When Charlotte is talking to him, he will sit and talk back to her. He really does love her even if she makes him feel a little overwhelmed.  He is getting to where he likes to use his hands a lot and he likes to "help" hold his bottle... which usually includes him pulling it out of his mouth.

Here are more pictures that I love of him...  We are loving our little journey that he is taking us on... even if it doesn't include very much sleep and a lot of crying. He is still amazing.

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