Thursday, November 8, 2012

Charlotte Month Update: Twenty One Months

Date: November 8, 2012

Weight: When she plays on our scale in the bathroom, it usually reads 23.5 to 24 lbs.

Height: Her 12 month clothes are finally capris on her. So she IS growing :)

Clothes: I think it is so funny that my almost 2 year old wears a size 3 diaper and my 3 month old wears a size 2 diaper. I also think it's hilarious that kids that are an entire year younger than her are wearing a size 4 diaper. The size 3 fit fine so I haven't moved her up in sizes...but I feel like I should! Wouldn't that be something if she was potty trained before she needed a size 4?
As for clothes, she is rocking the 18 month clothes. They fit pretty well. She can still wear a few of her 6-12 month onesies (long sleeve ones). Like I said, her pants are getting too short so she only wears 18 month pants now. We did have to go out and buy her some long sleeve 18 month shirts bc all of her 18 month clothes were summer clothes. No one figured a child of MINE would be petite. I've not been petite a day in my life!!! She is wearing shoes size 4 and 5. She will soon be able to fit into the size 6 Nikes that she has owned since she was 10 days old!

Sleeping: Right before we headed to Illinois for the week, we changed Charlotte's bed to a big girl bed! We have the type of crib that is convertible. So we took off the front of the bed and put the bed rail on. She slept in it for awhile the first night but ended up in bed with Alex. We will see what happens when we get home. She is a solid nap taker... FINALLY! She will fall asleep in the car on our way home from running errands some days but as I transfer her from carseat to bed, she stays asleep. She sleeps almost exactly 2 hours. If I can coordinate both babies to sleep at the same time, I am a LUCKY girl. Alex has been getting her to sleep at night as I deal with fussy Sawyer. He generally has to lay in the big bed next to her to get her to go to sleep. We shall see what happens with this big girl bed, though...

Teeth: No new teeth for this munchkin. We are patiently waiting for the arrival of her "eye" teeth. Although, we aren't wishing for them to make their appearance yet. One fussy kid at a time,please :)

Health: Our sweet girl had a cold for 2 weeks that she got when we went to spend the weekend in Atlanta with her best friends Gavin and Parker. Both of those boys had had running noses and coughs earlier in the week so we really do not think she got it from them. It was more likely it came from being in a massively crowded area (the Aquarium) with a TON of kids and people in close quarters. She had the thick snot, then the runny nose, the cough, the drainage. She ended up throwing up once a day because of all of the drainage. This part lasted for about four days. The runny nose lingered for about 10 days. She got pretty used to the bulb syringe AKA The sucker. She wasn't a huge fan of it but once she figured out she could breathe better after we used it, she was happy then.

Food: Charlotte is still quite a foody. She loves her junk food. She loves her candy (thank you Halloween). She loves chocolate which we normally do not have in the house. She loves watermelon. (Manamana). I have started using candy and m and m's for bribery when it comes to potty training. It doesn't always work.  Every morning she still wakes up requesting "dodos" and she is loving some chocolate milk. I try to switch it up for her randomly and treat her to slushies at Sonic when she is a good girl. She gets a fresh doughnut everytime we go to the grocery store... along with the sample of ham from the deli. She usually gets into about everything in that shopping cart.

Talking: Her talking is nonstop. Somedays there is A LOT of babble. Just made up words and sounds. But most of the time she is really trying to tell us something. When she can't get her point across through just words, she will either pull you in the direction she wants you to go in and show you what she wants or she will even act it out. Like when she is talking about dancing and we can't understand her saying "DEETS" then she will dance to show us what she means. She has started saying short sentences like, "I runs". She has thrown out the "mine" word a few times. She has started saying "Bess" for "Bless you" when someone sneezes. She now knows that mom and dad have 2 cats and one is Sam and one is Belle. She knows the difference between the two and actually says both names now. She is saying all animal sounds that we practice and FINALLY is saying "Moo" for cows. She has started nodding for "yes" and she continues to say "no" all of the time. "No" is a BIG part of our day.

Personality/Milestones: She has started going potty on the potty. And even when she doesn't go on the potty first, she tells as she is peeing or pooping or tells us immediately following. We plan to try to potty train her after the first of the year. But we will until we get back from our trip to Illinois and what not. She has learned the difference between the colors of cats. All yellow cats are "Sam" or "Belle". All dark cats esp striped ones are "Max". She is learning about laundry. She helps me do the laundry... she helps pass it from the washer to the dryer. She knows that Alex's clothes are his clothes and that my clothes are my clothes. She has started climbing on everything. I find her climbing onto the couch, on all of her toys. She gets into the walker all by herself all of the time. (And gets stuck so I have to get her out.) She has slowed down on the spitting. She continues to get put into timeout when she needs a cooldown or when she disobeys. This usually works and devestates her enough to make her act better. She can throw a heck of a fit as well.

Favorites: Charlotte continues to be obsessed with her Papa. And water. We drive passed this entrance to an apartment complex whenever we go to a shopping area in North Columbus. There is a water feature, a small one, in front of the complex. Charlotte notices it EVERY TIME. She screams "wah-wah". Everytime we go over bridges...even overpasses on the interstate... she thinks we are going over water. The girl LOVES to run. She runs everywhere.... like a mad woman. She likes to holds hands and walk next to us when we are out and about. This does not happen unless I have someone there to help me. She is doing much better at this than she was a month ago. She loves the family. She knows so many people's names now. She recognizes them when I say their name and she even says their names. She loves my cousin Jake. She calls him "Jeeks." She will follow him around Grandma's house and she loves to see pictures of him. 

This little lady keeps us on our toes. She is amazing. And her sweet little story continues...

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