Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween from the Jacksons!!

I didn't know if I was going to take the kids trick or treating by myself because that seemed a bit stressful to me. So I decided I would for sure take them to Alex's work and let Charlotte trick or treat there at the very least. I sent a bag full of candy with Alex to pass out to people. Charlotte and I rehearsed saying "trick or treat" on our way to see everyone. It came out more like "Teet teet". But she would say it!

Alex was all prepared. I love this picture. Alex looks creepy and Paul (a car salesman) looks even creepier.

On their way to trick or treat some more.

The ladies that worked in the back office loved Charlotte's get up.

This is one of my favorite pictures. SO FUNNY.

"What did they give me???"

She was so excited about her candy.

Sawyer was loving it. Check out his left ear.

Her second sucker that she has ever had in her life. She LOVED it.


Hanging out with our skinny cow.

Sawyer's looking at her like, "What is she going to do to me??"

After we loaded up on candy, I took the kids home. Alex called and said that the guy he worked with offered to stay late so that Alex could come home early and trick or treat with us. We were so excited! He even picked up pizza on the way home! So he came home and got dressed up too!

My three kids :)

One of my favorite pictures. These kids are amazing.

Does this not just melt your heart???

She was super excited.

And they are off!! Everyone came to the end of their driveways since our driveways in our neighborhood are so long and the houses are so far apart. This worked out great and saved SO MUCH time.

Best Friends

Another favorite picture. Alex was talking to our neighbors that we had never met about our kids and stuff. He was trying to get Sawyer to talk and laugh. Check out the group of teenagers waiting for candy behind him. They were so annoyed. They were probably thinking, "Dude, get on with it. I want my candy."

We ended up going to about 10 houses. It started to get a bit cool and the sun was going down so we went home. Charlotte LOVED it. She saw dog-dogs, kids, got candy. Best day ever for her.

We went home and ate some Pizza Hut Pizza and just loved life. Our first Halloween of trick or treating. It went perfectly.

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