Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Butt's Mills Farm (That's Really The Name Of This Place)

The good thing about living somewhere new is that there are so many different places for adventures to take place. The bad thing about that is it is difficult to know if something is going to be a good adventure or a complete flop :)

Butt's Mills Farm was our adventure on this amazing Tuesday during Fall. I had originally found this awesome farm to go to an hour away that is owned by the owners of Chick Fil A. The place looked phenom. However, I called them right after we got our flu shots and were heading there and they said they are only open on Saturdays. BOOO!!! So, plan B was to go a bit closer to home to Butt's Mills Farm. On the website it looks a bit... homely.... backwoodsy. But we went anyway. Here are the pictures to prove it...

They had a fancy trampoline.(bought from Walmart I presume)

And a big firetruck too!!

Jungle Gym baby!!!

Charlotte loves balls. They make her day. However, when it came to an ACTUAL ball pit, she was a bit nervous. Had I thought more about it, she wouldn't have been allowed to get in it. I have heard of snakes being in them. This was an outside ball pit. I should have NEVER let her in it. Regardless, she was excited but not as nuts as I thought she would be.

I love this picture. He was in awe... and Charlotte looks creepy in the background.

Charlotte was not quite sure about this rolling slide thing. Alex was 100% sure.

How much do you love this picture????

He looks like he is actually trying to steer it.

So they had a "petting zoo" that consisted of 4 small mountain goat things, one billy goat, and one pony. The food dispenser wouldn't work.There was a dog that followed us around ALL DAY (she was so sweet) and when the billy goat got out of the fence, the dog barked and carried on until she got back in. SO FUNNY!

The petting zoo. Not kidding.

Here is our dog! She was with us 75% of the time. There was one other mom with two kids there this day. 25% of the time the pup was following them around.

They did have a cool covered bridge... you can get married there if you are interested :)

So, below the bridge is the flat rock creek. They have it damned off a bit. In the summer they have inner tubes for swimming. Check out the swings, the colored umbrellas in the background and there are a few slides that they literally bought at walmart and threw on the shore to slide into the water.

Luckily it was warm this day. The "wah-wah" queen was in her element.

A do believe a fit was thrown after this picture... I also believe Alex was forced to remove his shoes and join her.

Slide anyone??? 

Best day ever!!!!

Yep, his shoes were off. Check out our dog in the background. 

They had this almost new in appearance blow up slide. Charlotte was unsure of this at first...

...but she ended up LOVING it.

Our sweet boy. Sawyer slept quite a bit of the day. He was spitty and refluxing off and on. But he woke up to play for awhile finally. How cute does he look rocking his bibbed overalls?

Love that profile.

We couldn't get a good picture of the two of them for the life of us. No kidding, every time Charlotte touched him, he started crying. He was a HOT mess.

Charlotte wanted to be like Papa. She was "drive-driving" the tractor.

It was a great family day at Butt's Mills Farm. There was a miniature pony pulling a wagon that the man never offered to take us on (he took the only other people visiting the farm that day). They had a miniature golf course and a go cart track that we didn't partake in. They had some nice playground equipment and swings but intermixed with that were playskool and little tikes jungle gyms and play houses from like 15 years ago. It was hilarious!!

This was a fabulous fall activity for us. We loved our day. Afterwards we went home, ate a snack and I ended up making homemade vegetable soup. Alex and Charlotte made a fire in our fire pit. It was a beautifully perfect fall day!

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