Monday, October 8, 2012

Sawyer Month Update: Two Months

Date: October 8, 2012

Weight: 10 lbs 15 oz

Height: 23 inches

Diaper: Size 2 (He was peeing out of a size 1. Getting used to a boy is so different than a girl!)

Clothing:  Our sweet little man is completely out of newborn clothes and into all 0-3 month clothes. He looks so cute in them!!! He is growing so's so sad!! :( But he is TOTALLY is 3 months clothes guy now.

Sleeping: Our little guy is doing pretty good on the whole sleep thing. He has never been the baby that is all mixed up with his days and nights. Besides a few random fussy times at night in his first few weeks, he has been sleeping REALLY well at night. He usually wakes up, eats, burps, passes gas, grunts/groans/burps/passes gas, then goes back to sleep. Even though he is generally up about 45 minutes to an hour, he still goes back to sleep without an issue. He takes a few cat naps with 2 good naps during the day. He LOVES to sleep on his belly. Thank the Lord (and the nursery girls) for the Angel Monitor. He sleeps on his belly every night and I feel that completely helps the sleep situation. He is not allowed to sleep on his tummy anywhere besides his bed. At night, he sleeps in his little bed bassinet that sits in the middle of our bed. We love having him right there.

Eating: Sawyer is now on a formula only diet. Sad but true. His belly just was not handling the breastmilk. When I talked to Dr. Harman (his pediatrician) she said he was most likely lactose intolerant so this was a smart move. He is now on Similac Soy Formula. Charlotte ended up on soy formula in the end so we went ahead and got him started on that. He still screams alot. He has some fits of rage but we are hoping that switching to soy will help his tummy.

Health: Sawyer continues to check out fabulously. He looks good. He is happy. He got his 2 month shots (which was not fun. Charlotte hung out with daddy during this.) I have been a bit concerned about his hips. When he is sitting up in his bouncy chair and straightens his legs, his knees turn in right away and his hips seem really stiff. However, when I do my nursing assessments on him, they all check out. No hip clock, equal gluteal folds. The doctor did her own check and it was all good in the hood. She is pleased with his growth (50th percentile). She said to call if his tummy doesn't get better. We keep pushing gas drops and gripe water. Hopefully this formula will make his tummy feel so much better.

Personality: This boy loves his attention. He loves to be talked to. He loves the sound of my voice. Even if he can't see me, if he is throwing a massive fit, sometimes just the sound of my voice can calm him a bit. He love his bouncy seat.... not so much the swing. He loves to be held. Oh my, he does love to be held. He is smiling and laughing. He recognizes his momma and gets so excited when he see me. He loves to be put on his tummy while you walk him. When his tummy is not bothering him he is just as chill as they come. However, when his tummy is a  bit wild, he is NUTS. Screaming, kicking, crying, NUTS. And, as you know if you have been reading, this little champ has already rolled over! BAMCIS!!! Love this sweet face.

Sawyer is amazing. Yes, having 2 kids has its challenges. However, he is amazing. I can not imagine my life without him. Happy 2 months, Sawyer Weber Jackson. You complete us.

A few more pictures...

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