Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day!

Oh Christmas Day :) So the story of our first Christmas Day goes as follows...

Christmas Eve - We get up early-ish and leave Grandma Ann's house in Carrollton and go to the airport in St. Louis (Thanks Aunt Kat and Uncle D for the ride in your pimp-ca-lade). So we get to the airport, amazingly enough it wasn't busy at all. We eat some delicous bar food and fly to Charlotte. In Charlotte we took advantage of me being a sick preggo person and rode one of those mobiles from one gate to another. Being 6 weeks pregnant, the nausea had already started and I felt terrible. I seriously felt so sick this day... no matter what I did. I was so thankful Alex was with me to take care of Charlotte. So, we caught our plane to Charleston. Everything was one time. Perfect.

On our way home, we realize that we have no food at the house since we had been in Illinois. So we decide to stop by Walmart to get one of their premade pizzas and breadsticks. Bad idea. Walmart at 7 pm on Christmas Eve was just a stupid, stupid idea. After 2 minutes of shopping and 25 minutes standing in line feeling like I am going to throw up, I am done and we go home. We ended up missing church (our church only does Christmas Eve services). So we make our Walmart dinner, Alex puts Charlotte to bed, and I just go to bed. I felt so sick I could barely move. Finally I ended up getting sick and speaking to the porcelain gods at like 1 am and multiple other times throughout the night. It was terrible. However, Santa must still visit our house no matter how momma feels.

Christmas Day is here!!!

She is amazed by the tree and all of the presents around it!

Ready to dive right on in.

"Dad, which presents are mine???"

"There's more presents over on this side too!!!"

So instead of opening all of our presents at once, we took our time and opened presents all day. We stayed in our jammies from dawn 'til dusk. We watched movies, had the fireplace lit, and we played and played and played. And we took family naps together. We would play, then sleep, then play, then sleep, etc... we also had some Skype time with Gigi and Papa.

For breakfast, Alex and Charlotte had cereal. For lunch, Alex had warmed up pizza. For dinner, I actually have no idea what he ate. I had plain pasta. Delicious. I kept it down. SUCCESS.

The baby even got a present.

She loves to help open presents. I think we had her open every present under the tree.

I hated being sick ALL of Christmas Day...especially on Charlotte's first Christmas. I am just so glad that we did not have any plans to leave the house on Christmas Day. If we had had plans, we would have had to cancel. I felt so terrible... it ended up being a stomach bug because multiple family members in Illinois had the same issue. It was still a great day spent at home with my two favorite people and my favorite cat.

Successful first Christmas as parents :)

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