Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tacky Christmas Sweater Party

So we had our "2nd Annual Tacky Christmas Sweater Party" the first weekend of December. I'm going to go ahead and get on my soap box here for just a second :) So, Facebook, Evite, etc, make it EXTREMELY easy to RSVP to events. No calling a random person you have never met or even calling a friend who isn't normally a "phone" friend. All you have to do is view the invitation and respond with an "Accept/Yes", "Maybe", "Decline/No." Simple. It's as easy as 2 clicks of a button. Why do people not RSVP? It's kind of rude. And not only that, why do people that RSVP "Yes" not come??? I mean, you count that person or people in your head count. You take into account their presence when buying food, alcohol, etc. I know things come up esp sickness (it is the winter season and some weird bugs are floating around.)However, not cool. And I know we aren't the only people that this happens to everytime we plan something. This happens to most people. Annoying. Anyway, I am SO VERY THANKFUL for the people who were able to make it :) It was a blasty!

We love having friends over, esp around the holidays. We told people to wear Christmas sweaters and we would vote on the best one :) We made food and had friends bring things to share. It was wonderful. It wasn't extremly chaotic and most of my favorites showed up... esp some I hadn't seen in FOREVER!

 Charlotte was rocking some of her Christmas-y jammies from Aunt Kathy. She stayed at the party for about an hour. She was a hit.

 Charlotte hates hats. She couldn't figure out what Daddy was wearing.

 So Alysia was wearing a bunch of red rabbit feet around her neck... they had the claw and all. Charlotte was pretty unsure about it.
 The Jacksons...the human Jacksons

 Our whole family. Max was pouting, Charlotte hates that hat. My hair was supposed to be frizzy on purpose. I promise. I was also wearing sweat pants. I thought they would match the sweet sweater and turtleneck.

 Charlotte loves Leslie :)

 The youngest attendees of the party...a 2 month old and an almost 10 month old. Parents of the year Award right here.

 2/3's of the Hicks family were in the house. We were so glad they came to play!

 Charlotte even let Geoffrey hold her!

 Jaxson was a trooper. He is ALLL boy... and he loves the little school bus toy :) He was all about it... and candles.

 Best picture of Alex to date.

 Best picture of Kate to date.

 So glad Ashley could come play. She was a walking mistletoe.

 I will bet you 1 million dollars that they are talking about work.

 Sir Creeperson.

 Gangsta... duh.

 These two were troopers!!! Alysia was sick sick sick and Sam was exhausted from hunting all day. But they still came to represent. THANK YOU, FRIENDS :)

 Our first encounter in 141 days. Wayyyyy too long.

 Sisters and a boy. :) Sarah, you don't even look sick in the pic :) So much sickness. You were a trooper too.

 I love this kid. He's amazing. One of the best kids I have EVER been around. No lie.

 The Irelands. It was SO GOOD to see them. We've missed them so.

 The Most Festive Couple Award goes to the Prices. We can ALWAYS count on them to go allll out.

 This is why we are friends. Because Alex and I have taken this same cool picture before.

 Love at first turtleneck.

 The Winner of the Tacky Christmas Sweater Award.... LEE PRICE.

 He won a small bottle of champagne (he chugged it before his acceptance speech), a Santa candle from the Target $1 section, a tiara, and frosted animal cookies that were eaten on the way home from the party.

 The Rivera's! :) So happy they came! WE HAVE MISSED YOU!!!!

 The last females in the house. We had lots of girl talks and drinks while the guys hung out outside. It was perfect. I've missed all three of them.

 This is what 1 am looks like in the Jackson household with the last of the party people.

 Her hair was getting in the way... good thing she had a rubberband handy.

 We have so much in common.

The last to leave. Thanks for coming to my party!!!

It was a fabulous night with great friends. We don't know if we will do one again but this one was still a blasty :) Merry Christmas, Friends!!!!

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