Thursday, December 8, 2011

10 Months Old

Date: December 8, 2011

Weight: Over 17 lbs somewhere :)

Height: Taller than last month

Teeth: None. Yep, 10 months old and NO TEETH :) There have been multiple times that I thought we might be making some progress here , but no. No teeth.

Clothing Size: We have her wearing a plethora of sizes. She wears some 3-6 month pajamas and some onesies, 6-9 month outfits and a few 12 month outfits. The 12 month outfits are too big but they are cute so we make due. She's cute in anything she wears (yes, I am slightly biased.)

Naps: Naps continue to be a work in progress. Somedays she is amazing, somedays she has a bit of the devil in her and refuses to sleep. It just depends on her mood, how she slept the night before, etc. We shall continue to work on it...

Sleeping: Charlotte sleeps through the night... about 50% of the time :) It's been a rough 10 months of sleep. We are working on it. I've found that as soon as she starts screaming in the middle of the night I get up in a sleepy daze and instantly go in her room to pick her up, not even thinking about it. This is something that I will have to work on so she can get more sleep. It's a work in progress and will be for quite some time I'm sure. But she does sleep in her bed all night most nights. We have a fan going, a night light, and some night country music radio.

Health: We have such a healthy little princess on our hands. We had switched her to soy a few months ago and it has really helped with her gas and tummy issues. Her eczema is under control... with just a few small patches on her hands and elbows that show a few bumps when they get dry. She has yet to have a cough, a runny nose, ear infection, anything. I am so proud of her!

Eating: Our little girl still loves to eat. Dr. Leonardi advanced her to all regular more baby foods!!! So, she has her normal rice cereal and fruit in the morning for breakfast. For lunch, it varies from lunch meat to pasta to yogurt to fruit. For dinner, same thing, we just kind of go with whatever we have. Some of her favorite things to eat are mandarin oranges, yogurt melts, yogurt, applesauce, any sort of crackers, and anything sweet. We have her loving sippy cups with 75% water and 25% juice. She is on soy formula taking 4 6oz bottles a day. It's sometimes a struggle to get it all in her but we try :)

Activities: Charlotte crawls everywhere... FAST. She cruises like crazy but no independent steps... yet. She pushes her little walking toy around now. She's really starting to get the hang of it. She has a little school bus that Grandpa and Grandma Jackson got her for part of her Christmas present and she loves to sit up in it and pretend she is driving. She loves to "read" her books, chase Max around the house, and get into anything she possibly can. She has her own little cabinets in the kitchen that she is allowed to get into and when she sneaks passed me into the bathroom, she loves to enroll the entire roll of toilet paper. We love having a crazy active kiddo.

Friends and Stuff: Charlotte is still loving all of her friends. Every month we get together with Niki and Gavin at some point so we got together and went shopping and to lunch with Niki and Gavin. Charlotte and Gav love each other so much :) They are happy together no matter what they are doing. For Thanksgiving, Charlotte was so excited to have her Jackson side of the family here to see her and play with her toys. She is such a show-off when she has a big audience. She loved all of the attention! She was exhausted by bedtime. Auntie Kate and Baby Ella came to visit for our Christmas party and we even got to babysit Ella for the night. Charlotte was so excited to hang out with a baby... she attacked and scratched her face within minutes of Ella's arrival. But they love each other so much. And during our actual Christmas Party, Charlotte got to play with Jaxson. She learned some fabulous little tricks on her school bus from him. We are so lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives with such fabulous kiddos for Charlotte to  have playtime with.

It's been a busy month of having Thanksgiving at our house, getting ready for the rest of the holidays, shopping, starting to pack for Illinois, etc. But Charlotte has been such a spirited child and continues to bring us happiness. She rocks :)

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