Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Trip to Illinois- Day#3

Day #3 started off with us having lunch with Dad and his agents. My dad's agency was named the #1 agency in his entire company... nationwide... it was a HUGE accomplishment and we are so very proud of him!! Dad and his agents have this lovely whole in the wall bar that they love to go to so the whole fam (minus Anne and Jare) went as well. He also invited a few of him and mom's close friends. I felt pretty bad this particular day. I looked like and felt like I had been hit by a truck so I went ahead and let the cat out of the bag about me expecting Baby #2 to mom and dad's friends that were there. Chris, Chris, Dale and Diana were SWORN to secrecy until after my ultrasound :) But I was super pumped to tell them in person.

Charlotte was so proud of her Papa and all of his hard work. She also loves bars.

She was totally loving her dad... and the chicken strips we ordered for her.

And after loads of attention, she was exhausted and it was time to take a nap on Aunt Bare.

After lunch we went to Kohl's to run a few errands. My mom was feeling pretty terrible... I asked if she was pregnant, she said no. She thought it was the lunch she had (automatically assumes the hole in the wall bar gave her some bad food.) :) So we made a quick trip into Kohls and as we were coming out, it was snowing!!! Charlotte's first real snowflakes! It didn't stick and it didn't last very long but I wish I could have gotten a good picture of her with some snowflakes.

Once we got home, we got ready, mom spoke to the porcelain gods (and felt better), and then we opened presents... just the ones we bought everyone and the ones they bought us. They were going to do all of their presents on Christmas Eve.

The first and only grandchild in front of all of the presents.

Mom and dad's tree... oh the fancy picture ornaments I see of Mary and Anne in the background :)

GiGi and Papa and their favorite born grandchild.

Oh the Jacksons. Alex, look up, not at Charlotte :)

Look! It's my birthday dress!!!!

I'm a whiz at this thing. Just give me a second...

Charlotte with some of her favorite people :) Two of her uncles and her aunt. She's loving life, right?

For dinner we went to Alexander's Steakhouse... an oldie but a goodie. Alex is a fan and he looks forward to going there when we go back to Illinois. Naturally all of the men love them some steak. And we actually had the house chefs cook the food for us. It was lovely.

Mom and Charlotte took a nap in the car for a bit... mom emerged a new person! And she loves Chad.

So for some reason, Charlotte is really scared of Chad. This started in October when we came back to visit. She cries when he gets closer to her. We have no idea why. It's kind of humerous. Here Alex is trying to make her like him.

Alex and Charlotte got me a present. How cute does she look here???

I love pictures that Mary looks a bit creepy in.

I look like a water buffalo here but Charlotte looks so sweet.

Papa telling Charlotte about all of the creepy people at Alexander's :)

It was a great night. Naturally pregnancy nausea and exhaustion plagued me the whole day and night but it was still great. We were going to go to the Festival of Lights but mom and I both felt so sick that we decided it would be best to just go home and watch a movie. Next year we are not missing them though.

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