Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Adam Wayne :)

Our sweet Wayne's birthday is in Feburary...a few days before Charlotte's. Eric and Amanda decided to have his birthday party the last weekend in January so that it would be easy for family since we had a big family weekend ahead anyway. It worked out awesome for us. We were able to make it!
It's always a party when the Webers are present....
The kids are always have a good time playing at Wayne's house.

They LOVE the play room he has.

Mary wanted to see what she would look like by June so she attempted to shove a basketball in her sweatshirt

Wayne's awesome cake made by my fabulous cousin Ryan. He is so talented with his baking and especially with decorating the cakes.

Wayne's expression here is killing me.

Eric always has his eyes closed :) (Sorry Eric).
Such a sweet family :)
Wayne is ready to dig in and get those tractors.

Look at him.
This boy loves his tractors.
He was cracking me up during this.
I love how Uncle Darrin is looking at him. I know he had no idea he could love a little boy this much.
It's so sweet.

Singing happy birthday to him!
I wish I knew what he was thinking here...
"Can we get this over with already? I want those tractors!"

YES! Tractors!

Charlotte loves birthdays...
the song, the cake, the presents.... they are the best day of her life.

Rocking part of his present from us.

And rocking part of the other present from us.
Could the present be anymore me...??? Sunglasses and mustaches.

Allana was styling in her ADORABLE little zebra outfit.

This girl thinks she is a rockstar.

Shy Sawyer. He does so much better when he doesn't see me. He loves the family but he loves his momma the most. When I am out of sight, he will go to people.
He is so crazy about his Maw Maw.

He loves her so much.
A bunch of the family was able to make the birthday party. It was such a nice party. Delicious food. Hanging out. A toy room for the kids. It was perfect!!!
My two kids started to get a bit wild so we headed to Grandma Ann's house around 9 and put them to bed. Thanks for a great party, Eric and Amanda.

Happy Birthday, Wayne. We love you so much!! You made the kids so happy and it's awesome being close and being able to watch you grow.

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