Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Snowy Day At Home...Photoshoot

This crazy winter and all of the snow we are having! (And to know that all of this was just the beginning really.)
On Saturday January 4th, it snowed quite a bit. I am pretty sure it snowed like 8 or 10 inches. So that meant that we just stayed home on Sunday in the warmth and safety of our own home.
I decided it would be a perfect day to take a bunch of pictures of the kids in white t's... I mean, clearly that would be the outfit of choice.
We used Sawyer's room because it has a HUGE window in it.

"The snow plow will be here at any time."

"I didn't do it."

"Does anyone have anything I can get into?"

"Um who's dog is this?"

This little missy had been throwing a fit in the hallway. The power struggle is so much fun at almost three years old.
She finally agreed to come in and get her picture taken and play with Sawyer.
"I will come in but I am not smiling."
"I hear you talking, Daddy, but I am not listening."

Charlotte: I got you, Buddy!
Sawyer: I will eat you.

"You're right, Mom. This IS fun."


"I think I am hilarious."

"This is a fabulous quilt that Aunt Meem made for me."


I just feel like there is something evil spinning in the wheels in his head in this picture...


Almost a real smile...
And there is a real one.

So funny!!!!

Sometimes when I look at pictures of her, I feel like I can see her as a teenager. This is one of those pictures.


Charlotte: Any dogs out there?
Sawyer: Just the killer pitbulls at the end of the street.

Sawyer: I love getting my picture taken.
Charlotte: I finally got this booger I've been working on.

They are always wrestling with Daddy.

Little bit of snow here...

She has the best Daddy. EVERYTIME it snows, he makes her (and Sawyer who was sleeping during this picture) snow ice cream.

And he always adds plenty of chocolate and candy.

And he always enjoyed it himself.
I have tried it but opt out of the snow ice cream. Some people say it tastes just like ice cream. I say it tastes like water ice cream sprinkled with dirt.

We did have a great day at home. I am so thankful for days like this. Sometimes it's a blessing to be snowed in. An excuse to not have to do anything....

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