Sunday, January 26, 2014

Alana Michelle Sibley

On Sunday January 26, 2014, we had another great family day. We woke up at Grandma Ann's house. We had a delicious breakfast and a quick-ish lunch and then Anne headed back to Jefferson City. I got my four ready and we headed to Alana's baptism in town.
Chase, Melia, and Alana.

How cute does she look?
She is wearing the same Baptismal gown that all of the babies wear on my Aunt Michelle's side of the family (and they have A LOT of babies on that side.)

Such a sweet moment. She didn't cry or anything. She was so good!

This cute guy.... Look how tired he looks.

Alana and her two Godmothers.

After the Baptism, these two finally got to talk for a few minutes :)

Kyla made herself at home :) Just hanging out on the alter at church. So funny!

We sat by Aunt Kathy who helped keep the crazies in line!
They do love her so much!

After the ceremony we headed over to Uncle Richard's house for cake and ice cream. Charlotte and Kyla played (and Charlotte wouldn't share toys so there were a few fits on her part.) We hung out and laughed at Caleb for being hungover :)
Afterwards we headed back to Grandma's house.
We got all packed up and hung out for awhile.
Jake and Alicia and Didi and her family came out to see us for awhile longer.
How crazy is this sky?

Here is Charlotte having her last few wrestles with Jake on the floor.
I finally said goodbye to Jake. It was sad. I cried. I hugged him and kind of ducked away. Alex called me out on not talking and trying not to cry. I started crying...the ugly cry....telling him that I just don't want him to go. Then Grandma started crying. Then Alicia started crying. Jake was like, "Sarah!"
I laugh now but I was super sad :(
We had an awesome weekend. We loved all of the crazy family events. We got to see everyone. It was pretty perfect.
We drove home around 8 pm. It started snowing on our way and snowed the rest of the way home. I drove with the kids in my car. They finally slept and I was able to just relax....and talk on the phone.
Thanks for a great weekend, family!!

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