Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Sleepover At The Heflins!!

Going out to bars with friends on Saturday nights is a very rare occasion for Alex and I these days. Our Saturday nights are spent with me waiting for Alex to get off of work and then him coming home and us being asleep in front of the tv. However, occasionally we do hang out with friends. When we have a get together with Derrick and Jodi on the weekend, if it's just our two families, we usually pack to spend the night. This particular Saturday  night was no different.
The kids and I went over to the Heflins around 4 pm to hang out and start our evening.
I took a few pictures of the girls just for fun.

This beautiful face :)

How great is this beauty?

She loves the camera!

I love the fake smile....she still looks so beautiful though.

Pretty pretty girl...

We took a few of the girls together.
They are the prettiest babies.


I think this one is my favorite.


Then we added in the other two crazies.

These four keep us busy. And they all love each other.

She is shocked!!!


You know, I just wonder what she is thinking here.

We had a delicious meal prepared by Jodi. Alex got there. We all hung out, watched tv, played games, ate food.

The girls danced. And danced. And played.

They LOVE to play dress up.

Charlotte is obsessed with Ella.

And Sawyer is obsessed with toys that aren't his. He loves going to Aunt Jodi and Uncle Derrick's house.

The night for the kids usually ends with Sawyer sleeping in the room with Emily and Charlotte and Ella watching tv in Jodi and Derrick's room.
After the kids are all asleep, the adults get to hang out and just relax...which is why we always spend the night. By the time that happens, its like 10 or 11 pm. So the adults hung out and had a always. We didn't drink too much. All of us Jacksons slept downstairs on the couch or air mattress as usual. We love our nights with Jodi and Derrick and the girls. We love getting to hang out and just be together. I love watching our kids play and love on each other. We are so thankful to have friends like this here.

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