Friday, January 17, 2014

Our Christmas With The Robinsons

On Friday, January 17, the kids and I loaded up and headed to Davis Junction to visit our lovely bests, the Robinsons! Clearly it was freezing outside and there was fresh snow on the ground :)
Sweet Bailey was so excited to have so much attention.

Our four babes!
Charlotte found those two bows in the car and felt she needed to wear them in her the same time.

Aunt Tracey and the boys always give them the best presents!!!

We went with the bags this time and she went with the wrapping paper :)

The kids made canvases for Carter and Mitchell for their rooms.

Even though it wasn't candy or  a toy, they still loved it.

Mitchell absolutely loves his trains (which would be why we got them Thomas shirts for Christmas)

Charlotte loved that Aunt Tracey had a petting zoo in her basement :)
Thanks Uncle Mark for all of the animals to pet!

No one is quite sure of their situation in this picture. Mitchell doesn't want to fall off, Carter doesn't want Charlotte strangling him, and Charlotte doesn't want to fall off of the back.

My kids aren't good with keep train tracks together. We work on it when we are exposed to them but they still aren't the greatest at them. Here is Sawyer just ruining the crap out of the track.

Charlotte, carrying her new toy from Aunt Tracey and her boys, is finally getting the hang of train tracks.

You know, we just don't know what he is doing here...

We had lunch, we played, we hung out....
then Aunt Tracey had big plans....

We decorated donuts!!!

And you know how much my kids love donuts!

How cute is this????

Boys, boys, boys.
Sawyer was a hot mess.

Mitchell came over, checked out, and said he would rather be doing something else.

Charlotte snuck some sprinkles onto that donut.

Aunt Tracey also had cake pops made. They were DELICIOIUS!

Right Carter????


Carter helped Charlotte get her socks on.

How cute is this girl???
The Robinson boys were going nuts as we were getting to leave.
Here is Charlotte watching them just laughing.

They were all going crazy!!!

They are hilarious!!
(And Sawyer didn't know what to think)

I love this picture!!!!
We had an awesome day. The kids played so well together. My two kids slept the entire way home. It was a great ride for me to catch up on phone calls and radio songs.
We always enjoy our days at Aunt Tracey's house. We love love our time with them. We can't wait until our next playdate with them!!!

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