Friday, January 24, 2014

A Day With The Greats

On Friday, January 24, 2014, Mary and I got up and headed down South for a busy weekend of family events. I picked her up and we drove to Kampsville to see Grandma and Grandpa Schumann... AKA Grandma and Grandpa Great.
We ate a delicious lunch at the Kampsville Inn. The kids played the games with Grandpa and Grandma. They ran around (like they always do) and just ruled the world.
Afterwards we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's house to hang out for awhile.
Grandpa even took the afternoon off of work!
He had much more important things to read books to his babies.

Check out the lollipop in Charlotte's hand. She even weaseled that out of Grandpa at the restaurant.

Sawyer jumped in with a different book.

He also decided that he needed to watch HIS shows....and not Grandma's Family Feud she normally has on.

He is so cute.... he peed he always dose.... He kind of looks like a bruise here in his different shades of blue. He was playing with ALL of Grandpa and Grandma's figurines....and breaking them.


Grandma says she never gets kisses. Yes you do, Gram. I have proof!!!!!!!!!
Charlotte and Sawyer (and pregnant Mary) enjoy the big red ball/pillow/chair/couch/bed thing that Grandma bought off of the internet.  It's huge.

I think someone had stinky feet...

Let's see...

Yep!!! She did!!

I wish Grandma wasn't blurry in the background. What a great picture.

The two cowboys. Apparently Charlotte didn't get the memo that everyone was supposed to wear shades of blue.

Grandma and Grandpa Schumann and some of their great grandchildren.

I love this one :)

We had such an awesome day with Grandma and Grandpa Schumann. The kids loved hanging out with them...and perhaps breaking a few things.
Thanks for the day, Grandpa and Grandma. You both don't look a day over 40 and don't act a day over 30. We love you so much!

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