Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Day With Jake

On Monday, January 13, the kids and I headed down to the farm to hang out with Jake before he leaves for the Air Force. We planned to spend all of Tuesday with him hanging out at Grandma Ann's house.
On Monday, the weather was BEAUTIFUL! Who knew the high 50's could feel so warm?!?!?!
The kids were so excited to play outside. It's already been a LONG winter.
Naturally Charlotte found the cat.

Kyla Margaret came out and was ready to rock n roll. We got here this adorable hoodie for her birthday. How much do you love it????

Sawyer brought his vacuum to "Maw Maw's" house. He even used it outside :)

They love each other and just play so well together!

Two pretty princesses.

This hot mess of a boy has no fear of anything.

I wish this picture was clear. He looks so so so cute here!

Love this Grandma (Maw Maw) of ours. She loves watching these crazy kids just run around like nuts all of the time.
Charlotte LOVES babies. Like loves them like crazy.
She's obsessed with Allana.

The first night, Monday night, was filled with hanging out with Melia, Allana, Kyla and Uncle Richard even came out. It was a perfect night and all of the kids got along so well.
The next day, Jake came out to hang out with us all day. He was at Grandma's house before lunch and hung around and played with everyone all day.
The kids helped him build a fire and they played out in the big room for forever.

Sis came out to visit too. Check out how crazy Charlotte looks.

I love this picture. Sawyer isn't so much a fan of being outgoing and taking pictures with everyone. But he loves Jake. He had so much fun with him this day.

Charlotte loves Jake but she especially loved him this day. She followed him everywhere. At one point she got mad and yelled at him for something. I told her she had to say she was sorry. It took her 45 minutes to say she was sorry. Here she is pouting in his arms. It was so funny.


Aunt Kathy even brought Wayne out for awhile. During naptime, the kids slept well. Grandma, Aunt Kathy, Melissa, Jake and I just relaxed and hung out. It was nice to have some chill adult time to talk to Jake about the coming months.
They couldn't get enough of Jake. They even followed him to the dining room table.

Fighting over "oing chips"....They LOVE "orange chips".

Charlotte was so so excited that Allana, Melia, and Kyla came back out that night too.

Clearly she felt the need to hold her and snuggle her.
She steals my heart when she is loving on babies.

The kids LOVE going to Grandma Ann's house. They have certain things they always do when they are there. One of those things is they play in Grandma's pantry. They use her mixer (unplugged). They are both very serious about it. They play in there for hours. It's so funny.

Kyla's eyes kill me!
They love each other so much!

We had ordered pizza for dinner. We LOVE Alfonso's pizza. Uncle, Melia, her girls, Melissa, Jake, Grandma, Uncle Richard, my kids, Caleb, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Darrin, and I all ate dinner here and there.

Charlotte and Kyla were playing a game with Caleb....or as Kyla (and by default Charlotte) call him "Bubby". They were playing some game where he would say something and they would laugh hysterically. I should have taken a video. It was so funny.

We had a discussion about doing push ups at the counter. Melissa and Rich were talking about being able to do 100. After about 20, Melissa stopped by Rich did all 100....and he was pretty proud. He says he does them sometimes at home for his exercises.

This boy loves his "Maw-Maw"

We had such a fun day at Grandma's house with everyone. It had gotten cold again so we had to stay inside all day. But it was still a great day. We headed back to Metamora Wednesday morning.
Here are some pictures of the kids the day we got home :)

She was showing off her belly just like Aunt Bare.

Such a sassy little diva.
It was a great few days. We love having plans and fun things to do that don't include just sitting inside our home hanging out all day everyday.

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