Monday, January 20, 2014

GDI Playdate!

On Monday, January 20, my teacher bests had the day off of school so we decided to have a FUN playdate! (I have no idea why they were off of school. I feel certain it was because of someone that is no longer on this earth...possibly a dead president.)
So the kids and I loaded up and headed to the south suburbs to visit our friends. Ashley was going to host but it fell through so we all headed to Amy's house (which is right down the street.) I went to the grocery store and loaded up on a bunch of food and took it up with me.
Matthew was SO EXCITED to see us!!!
He greeted us at the door.

He was so happy to have friends over. He was such a great sharer.

Amy has the perfect house for us to meet at. The floor plan allows the kids to run around in a circle and chase each other. Kids running in doors chasing each idea ever? Probably not but it's winter and they have to get their energy out.

These two girls love love love each other!!!

Sawyer...the strong silent type....he even takes off running and joins in on the fun with everyone.

Tammy and Nicholas ventured out to be with us. Tammy brought Jimmy John's sandwiches which was amazingly delicious.


How cute is Matthew here????
He loves the camera.
How cute is this? Charlotte holding onto her baby brother's shoulders. And Grayden is posing on the right. They are all killing me.

Here is a picture of all six of the kids. To know that this was the best one!!!!
(And one where they are all clothed.)

And then there is a photo shoot of these two crazies...

Such pretty girls.

We have such an amazing time with all of our kids together. The kids run and run and play and wrestle and us moms eat and talk :) I love getting back with my GDI girls. Some things never change with all of us. We all just love our time together and watching our kids play so well together. Erica wasn't able to come because her babies were sick. By July we will have added four more babies to this group.
We had a fun day. We left Metamora around 8:30 and we were home by about 4.
Thanks for hosting, Amy!! We always love our time at your beautiful home!!!

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