Saturday, January 25, 2014

Celebrating Jake

On Saturday, January 25, our fun weekend of family get togethers continued.
Aunt Meem got to Grandma Ann's house that afternoon and saw us.
She had a birthday present for Charlotte.... A Sofia sleeping bag and pillow!!!!
Charlotte was in love....and tried it out right away.

Jake's going away party was that night at the Oasis in town. I can say this much, the Webers know everyone in their small town. TONS of people filtered in and out of the Oasis to see him. They had the back party room reserved. There were snacks and appetizers and beer.
And clearly there was great company!

This girl loves her Jake :)

Aunt Bev and Aunt Kathy made a TON of jello shots. They were soooo good. We just kept sucking them down!

The kids loved the food. They both just kept eating...

Dad loves Sawyer's bow tie :) He apparently wears it more than Sawyer does. HAHA.

Aunt Bev loves her some Weber girls.

I LOVE this picture of Charlotte and Aunt Diane.

Charlotte loves our family so much. Sometimes she has a weirdo way of showing it but other times she is just a cute cuddley sweet mess.

Sawyer needed a few naps. He was so tuckered out...
Aunt Didi had this great banner made for Jake. I love it.

Sisters in bars. Katie has a few more years before she can join in on the bar fun :)

Alex had to work but he ended up getting to the bar around 9 or so. Charlotte was so excited to see him.

Here she is telling him all about her day...and she was singing.
Our potty trained diva didn't have a single accident that day....even with the party going on.


We can't wait for the next baby to join us!

It's almost time to take these babies to Grandma's house.

Both kids were super tired....especially Sawyer. I took them to Grandma's house and got them all tucked in for the night. Anne, Mary, John, and Grandma all ended up getting home by the time I got the kids asleep. Katie was going to babysit them until one of them got there but they all came as I was getting ready to leave.
I arrived back to this :)
Apparently I was gone longer than I though :)
By the time I got back, everyone was feeling PRETTY good!

Jake shall miss us all.

Eric, an Airman himself, rocking and supporting with the AF hat.

These two don't get out much :)
Wayne was with a babysitter. Eric and Amanda were with Smirnoff and Jack.
It was a good 'ole time :)
And Eric was rocking my Harry Carrey glasses.

I love this picture. Eric and Amanda having their own dance party on chairs (and sometimes the bar) and Chad hanging talking to Caleb in their own convo. Everyone was at their own party.
Jake had quite the showing. Tons of his friends came. Tons of family came. Tons of towns people came. We are so very proud of him for going to the Air Force. We are going to miss him terribly but this is something he really wants to do. I am so glad that he was able to see just how special he is to so many of us. This was a great night. Alex and I were able to hang out at the bar with my cousins and drink and have fun.
Bravo to Didi and Grant for throwing a great party and bravo to Jake for being a brave man and serving our country :)

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