Monday, April 8, 2013

Sawyer Month Update: Nine Months Old

Date: May 8, 2013

Weight: 19 lbs

Height: 29 inches

Teeth: He is so close to getting his first tooth. We can see his bottom teeth below the gum. 

Clothing: Big boy wears nine month clothing with a few random six month clothes(mostly shirts) thrown in there and a few random twelve month items. He wears a size 3 or 4 diaper...which ever one is available.  

Sleeping: It is no surprise that he doesn't sleep through the night. I mean, it really isn't. However, this too shall pass. He wakes up around 6:30, takes a nap around 9 am, up around 10:30 am, back down around 1 pm, back up around 2:30, then maybe back down from 4-5, then down for the night between 7 and 8. He then wakes up around 11 pm, 1 am, and 5 am.... with 1-2 bottles in there...depending on how patient I am and how awake he is.

Health: Our little boy hasn't had any health problems or sicknesses over the last month. Yay for a good immune system right now :)

Eating: We are still on the bottle train. Sawyer gets 3-4 bottles per day and 1-2 bottles at night. He takes in about 5 oz per feeding. We are still using the Soy formula with rice added to it. He is doing pretty well with it. He eats and eats and eats real food. He loves Cheerios, Kix, raw vegetables, and juice BUT he eats pretty much anything. He refuses to eat ANY baby food. He REFUSES to be spoon fed.  He is just an independent little dude that wants to do it his way...not the doctor's or mine.

Activities: Our boy is taking up to 10 steps by himself!!! He isn't walking CONSTANTLY but he does walk most of the time. He can stand on his own, unassisted for well over a minute at a time. Charlotte didn't take 10 steps on her own until she was 1 year and 2 weeks old. This boy just doesn't want to sit still!! He loves the stairs. He loves them so much. He can scale the stairs VERY quickly. He takes note of when you aren't looking and there is nothing in the way and away he goes! Gigi and Papa have a step up from their family room into their kitchen (and the rest of their house.) He has figured out how to go up and down that step. He lays on his tummy and pushed himself backwards until goes down off of it. SO CUTE. He is a maniac. He also LOVES to wrestle with big sister. LOVES it. 

Talking: He is not much of a talker but with a sister who loves to talk all of the time, can you blame him???  He picks up the cell phone and says "HI". He says "Momma" and "Dadda".  He has a very LOUD voice with a bit of rasp to it. It is so cute. It reminds me of what my cousin Jake sounded like as a toddler :). We keep working with him and his talking but he just prefers to stick with what he knows... which is 3 words :-)

Sawyer is so awesome. He really is. He is busy and can be a bit hyper but also has this sweet cuddly side to him too.  He likes to take things apart and see how they work. He loves to try to play with the outlets in the walls. He loves his Momma. He does not like when I am out of sight... at all. He is very ticklish, esp on his rib cage and arm pits. He will just giggle and giggle. He gives kisses and he waves. He is awesome. He is really starting to learn from Charlotte...which is good, and bad :)

And a hugely positive note, he is starting to like his Daddy more and more :)

Sawyer, the journey of you shall continue...

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