Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Family Kind Of Sunday

On the 28th of April, we woke up at Jodi and Derrick's house. The kids played for awhile then Jodi and I decided it was time for some grub. We all headed to IHOP. The IHOP here is pretty nasty. Don't go. You will regret it. But we took our kids in their pajamas so what were we really expecting...

After we ate, we parted ways and headed to our own homes. Once we got home, the entire family took a nap. It was a fabulous nap. We all needed it. Then we got up, got ready and headed over to Mom and Dad's house. Mom was out of town travelling for her national position for GFWC. Dad wanted to fry chicken for lunch so he wanted us to come down.

It was a beautiful day outside so we played outside afterwards.
This boy loves to be outside...just like his sister!

I love Jim's tree in the background. So pretty.

He is eating grass here. Naturally.

This boy loves his Papa. He chooses Papa over almost anyone else.

So cute.

He was loving all of the outside toys.

And Dad would naturally have an 8 month old hanging in a tree :) Sawyer loved it. This kid is alll boy.

See what I mean????
Funny thing is my Grandpa Wayne used to stand while he would drive his 3 wheeler and Dad stands when he drives his four wheeler. Just cracks up that Sawyer was doing the same thing.

Monkey See, Monkey Do.
She felt so cool.
Check out Alex's hands. The guy cracks me up.

She LOVES it.

Such a pretty princess.
Don't worry, she isn't jaundice. I just messed with the coloring on this pic.

He is always finding something to climb on. He was getting ready to stand up on this.

Mom got home from her convention and was surprised that her two favorite people were visiting. Charlotte was all over her Gigis. 

So pretty.

John got off of work and headed to see us as well. He wanted his picture taken. I was lying in the ground. John isn't like 15 feet tall or anything.

How sweet are these two??? Charlotte loves to drive her brother around. 

Sawyer loves it.
They had to stop for a piece of ice here.

We ended the day with some throwing of the children.

Sawyer was very unaffected by this.

Charlotte was the typical girl and screaming and what not.

A little farewell song before we go...

He was humming/making a noise while she played. SO FUNNY!!

We had a great day. Loved that Dad planned for us to come down. We love spending time at their house. It was definitely a fabulous weekend!!

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