Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ear Infection

Well, I have been fortunate enough (my KIDS have been fortunate enough) that we don't have a lot of sickness going on here. Sawyer started with a runny nose and sneezing when we were in South Carolina the end of July. He continued with an off and on fever (possibly teething?), runny nose (clear runny nose), and crabby tendancies. Well, the night of August 10, Sawyer was up off and on (more on than off) screaming. He cried whenever he was laid down. He was tugging at his right ear. I knew Sunday morning that he had an ear infection. :( I called the doctor's office and they got him into their After Hours service. We had an appt at 2:30 that Sunday. PHEW.

After eating lunch at Gigi and Papa's house, Sawyer and I headed to the hospital for the appt. The doctor was super nice. He came in (in shorts and sandals) and looked in right ear and said it looked pretty bad. He prescribed him an antibiotic and away we went!!

First Illness! Right ear infection

The main ingredients to our next few days...

He was still cute and sweet even though he was in pain.

And she wanted to be involved as well.... of course.

As a side note, by the time we saw his regular doctor 48 hours later for his one year check up, she took one look at his right ear and said it was terrible. She said that if he wasn't fever free and acting a ton better by the next afternoon to call her and she would change his antibiotic. She said it looked really bad and that it should have looked better than that on antibiotics. We called on Wednesday afternoon and got the antibiotic switched....

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