Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Busy Little Tuesday

Daddy's day off is always filled with running errands and lots of fun :) 

We started the day out by going and checking on Papa who had had a very bad day the day before. He had had two trips to the emergency room so Charlotte wanted to go check on his boo boo.
Doctor Charlotte was representing :)

Then we headed to Walmart. Oh Walmart. We loaded up on so many things. Lots of food and necessities. After that we enjoyed a delicious lunch then we headed to the park.

There is a park in the neighboring town that has a sprinkler pad. It was a fabulously warm day so we knew the kids would love to play in the water.

She looks so old.

This 12 month old didn't get the memo that he doesn't have to act so old.

Learning can be fun!
Daddy is always wanting to help teach the kiddos stuff.

He was on a mission the entire time we were there.

We headed over to the sprinkler pad. Miss smarty pants knew exactly how to get it started.

I love this picture of her.

She was screaming... that high pitched scream.

"Yummmmm, Daddy I love soda."

"That's a little cold."

We headed home and the crazies took amazing naps. Then we headed back to Gigi and Papa's house so that we could cook dinner for them.

Charlotte wanted to help shuck the corn...

...and so did Sawyer. He took a few bites too.

She was so serious about it.

Sawyer gave up on the corn and went to find the cat...who was hiding. Do you spy Sammy???

We ate a delicious grilled meal. Mom and Dad were thankful they didn't have to cook and could just stay home. We had a great day together! We love Daddy's time off!

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