Thursday, August 8, 2013

Charlotte Update: Thirty Months

Charlotte is officially two and a half...going on twelve. She is a true hot mess. Here are some fabulous little factoids about her at the ripe old age of 30 months. (2.5 to be exact.)

~The attitude...the inner diva...the TRUE personality of this little girl is starting to REALLY come out. The kicking and screaming and fits have really started. WOW.

~We do a lot of time outs. Usually if there is one in a day, I can go ahead and count on a few in a day. We got days without time outs but then we got days WITH time outs.

~ She is really starting to sing songs and learn most of the words (or letters for the alphabet).

~ Her morning donuts and juice are still a must.

~She falls asleep on her own for naps and at night. She likes being rocked but she also will just go to bed. This has been something that we have been working on for 2.5 years. Phew...

~She is wearing 18 month and 2T clothing. She wears size 4 diapers and size 2T pull ups or underwear.

~We still have her go potty whenever she asks and before and after baths but we are letting her decide when she is ready to potty train. (Well, to an extent. If she is 15 and still wearing diapers, some judgement might be passed.)

~She LOVES popsicles. The minute we go outside to play she asks for a popsicle. She is allowed 2 per day.

~She sometimes repeats words that she shouldn't say. They are words her Momma usually says (lets slip) so I tell her that that is a "word only Momma can say."

~She loves to tell her Momma and Dadda "no" and she loves to yell and scream at us...and Sawyer. That will get her a trip to time out in the corner or time out in her room.

~Her usual time out is in the corner but if the fit is bad enough, she has to go to her room (that way she doesn't have an audience.) I really wish that she stopped the fit there. Usually she screams,kicks and yells for awhile even after the door to her room is closed. She does get an occasional tap on the butt if she is being THAT bad. (It breaks my heart and I ask God for forgiveness as I walk away. I am not kidding.)

~She is talking and talking and talking. Complete sentences, crazy words, talking ALL DAY LONG.

~She is a princess in her head. She LOVES to be a princess.

~ She loves Sofia the First. That is her favorite show right now.

~She still likes Nemo, Elmo, Big Bird, Shrek, and Mickey but Sofia takes the cake right now. She dresses up in her princess dress and dances to the opening song of Sofia. She associates anyone named Sofia as Sofia the First.

~She loves her friends. She asks to go see friends all of the time. She is really loving having one on one time with people as well whether it be Daddy, Aunt Bare, Gigi, Grandma Ann or Aunt Kathy.

~She says "I love you" when we say it to her.

~She loves to be outside and loves water (still).

~She is starting to play better with Sawyer and with friends.

~She loves playgrounds, is starting to like swings again (she has been scared of them for a year), and is starting to have less fear with new things (like going down slides at parks).

~She mimics most things that I do. She always has a baby with her at home and she usually has a purse.

~She loves to help pick out her clothes. She loves to wear bows and shoes. (She can wear her play high heels better than I can wear any heels.)

Charlotte is amazing. She brings us so much joy and stress in the same 5 minutes. Charlotte can push our buttons better than anyone I have ever met. But she brings joy, happiness and has taught us the meaning of unconditional love.

Lord. please give us strength and patience as she grows :)

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