Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Four Crazies Reunite Part 4: The Rest Of Our Day

Our plans changed in the middle of the afternoon. Our time with our friends was supposed to end around 5 pm. Mom and Dad were supposed to be there to pick us up and head to downtown Greenville for supper and walking around. However, Mom called and Dad wasn't feeling well. They were going to wait it out and see what they needed to do. Eventually they took him to the Emergency Room in Asheville and they got back to their hotel around 9 pm.

Since our plans changed, we decided to stay another night with our bests and enjoy our time together....

So we sang Happy Birthday and had cupcakes together.

Let's make a mess!!

A perfect little face.

Then we played in the water a bit longer so that we could wash off all of the cupcake mess...and burn a little bit of energy.

She is her mother's daughter... butt crack, carbohydrates, wearing boys clothes.


And this shot tells you what it is like to have a "spirited" child. Niki gets it. Charlotte and Gavin are spirited. They are always thinking of their next step. They love big, they scream big, they play big, they fight big. A spirited child with a larger than life personality is an amazing child to have but it is difficult at time as well. I would rather have my crazy, wild, quick to anger child than a boring kid that only wants to sit and watch tv and not do anything. I love that Niki gets it. She understands the tantrums I tell her about...and there is no judgement passed. This is why we work as friends and why our kids work as friends.
(Note that Parker and Charlotte are so unaffected by Gavin being upset. This is our amazing life.)

Also like his mother...

Gavin recovered and the result was this amazing pic. I LOVE IT.

Tyler got home from work and we had supper with them. The kids then all got into the bath tub together. (Sawyer cried a lot so Gavin said it was best if they didn't take baths together anymore.)
Charlotte and Gavin snuggled with Uncle Tyler on the couch and the two younger boys played.

We headed to bed because Gigi was coming to get us around 7:30 the next morning.

Mom came and got us from Greenville and then we headed to pick up Dad at the hotel. By the time we got the rest of everything loaded up, we left Asheville around 10 am and drove back to Illinois (We were in North and South Carolina for 48 hours). We drove straight through. The kids were actually pretty good. They played, sang, cried, ATE A LOT, and we had an OK drive back.

Thank you Niki and Tyler for ALWAYS treating us like family. You always help me out with the kids when we are together. My kids love you like family. We can't wait until our next visit. You are both amazing. I miss you more than you know and I am so thankful to have you both. We love you!!!

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