Monday, July 8, 2013

Sawyer Month Update: Eleven Months

Date: July 8, 2013

Weight: 20 lbs 0 oz

Height: 30 inches

Teeth: Our boy has four teeth right now! Such a big boy!! His top front teeth and his bottom front teeth. Let me remind you that Charlotte still didn't have ANY teeth at 11 months. We just feel so advanced here!

Clothes: Sawyer is rocking 9 and 12 month clothes. He wears size 3 diapers during the day and size 4 diapers at night (and still has a tendancy to pee through the size 4's). His feet are getting chubbier so we have pulled out the size 4 shoes for good now. I bought some off of an online garage sale group. I am so excited about them!

Sleeping:  Same stuff, different month. Sawyer sleeps from 7 pm-ish until about 3 or 4 in the morning. He then wakes up, drinks a bottle and heads back to sleep. He will then wake up around 7 am. He will sleep through the night 1-2 times per week for us (about 6 times this month). He is getting there!!!  He takes his 2 naps during the day... one around 9am and the other around 1pm. We have a random schedule and we don't stick to a strict naptime in our house so all of his naptimes and amounts are guesstimations :)

Health: Sawyer has been pretty healthy this month. With his teeth coming in and stuff, he has been fussy off and on with a low grade fever here and there. He was tugging at his ears A BUNCH and sticking his fingers into his ears so I took him to the doctor. No ear infection, just teething. He also got his blood drawn to check for food allergies (like his sister.) That was traumatic for all involved...including the lab tech. We did, however, get it done. And the result is NO FOOD ALLERGIES!! (A huge relief compared to his sister.) Oh, and he has bloody lips at least once per week. He bangs his face on things when he is excited. Sometimes he does it a bit too hard.

Food: This boy continues eat, eat, and eat. He still gets his bottles (one more month!) He gets his soy formula with rice cereal added. He takes 5-6 oz  about 4 times per day. But his bottle is not where his joy is. His joy is in regular food. All regular food. Just give him "More". He loves popsicles outside in the summer. He loves suckers (big sister gets them so why can't he?) He loves whatever we are eating. It doesn't matter. The only thing I have ever seen him give a weird face to was a banana. But he will still eat it off and on. He is going to be a "foodie" like his daddy.

Activity: He is just continues to be on the move!!! He is awesome at going up the stairs and he can easily go down the stairs on his belly now! (I prefer to carry him but he does pretty well going down. He just needs to be reminded as he goes down that he can't just turn around and walk back down face first.) He has figured out that he can fit under the baby safety gate at the top of the stairs and his wiggled his way downstairs before I ever even knew what was happening. This child has NO FEAR AT ALL.  He has been running a lot more. In fact, he runs everywhere. And when we are in the pool area at Mom and Dad's house, why swim? Let's just run on the cement near a big body of water!!!!

Talking: He is saying about all of the same stuff. "Momma", "Dadda", "More", with some occasional other words... like "dog dog" and "Sam". He has started growling anytime you ask him what an animal says. It's so funny. He does do a "woof woof" for the dog sound though.

Favorites:  Sawyer loves so many things. He loves all animals. He is getting so much better when it comes to petting the cats (and anytime he sees dogs.) He loves his Momma the most of all. BUT he loves he Daddy, Papa, Gigi, Aunt Bare, Uncle Poop and Aunt Jodi.  He also LOVES other kids....especially "babies". He loves cousins Wayne and Kyla and he loves when we play with Baby Emily. He about bulldozes Emily over. He loves to play with all phones....real, fake, big, small...he loves them all. He also loves the computer... and he feels he needs to help type on it....everytime he sees me on it. He is starting to run around with sunglasses on (which all of you KNOW warms my heart)...but he still hates hats and refuses to wear them on his head. He loves straws and has really started doing well with drinking from them. 

Sawyer is a true joy. He is such a good baby (now that his reflux is under control. Those months were awful.) He is such a little fireball...and he learns so quickly when he is shown something. He is starting to pick up all of big sister's amazing habits. (Fits, yelling, etc) He has a farmer's tan and his hair has lightened up so much this Summer. He is just turning into the most handsome little toddler man.

And his story continues...

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