Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thirteen Months Old

Date: March 8, 2012

Weight: We hope more than last month :)

Height: Maybe taller than last month???

Teeth:  Our little lovebug has FOUR whole teeth!! Her top two teeth have finally started coming in. The top right front tooth started appearing on February 17th-ish and she started cutting the left front tooth on February 24th. Four whole teeth!! Who knew??

Clothes: Our little petite lady is still wearing anything from 6 months to 12 months. Some of her 12 month clothes look a bit like bag lady clothes on her... they hang a bit :) But some of her 6 month clothes are going to be getting a bit too short for her torso. Her little feet aren't growing all that fast :) We keep buying size 3 and have even had her wear a few size four shoes. She's taking after her daddy with her small feet... not after her momma (my feet are ginormous. I could ski on them without using ski's.)

Naps: We are finally starting to get somewhere with our naps. She is still requiring a morning nap that usually lasts about 45 minutes. She usually takes it between 2 and 3 hours after she wakes up. To let me know she is ready for the nap, she climbs up into my lap and buries her head into my neck. So sweet... I still rock her for her naps. Crying it out when the sun is up is just not option...she will NOT sleep if that is the way we have to do it. For her afternoon nap, she usually lays down somewhere between 2 and 3 and sleeps for an hour or 2...depending on how busy her day has been. She is doing much better.

Sleeping: Charlotte is doing SO MUCH better at sleeping! I usually let her drink her bottle then rock her for 5 minutes (I actually look at my clock to make sure it's exactly five minutes) and then put her in her bed on her belly. I then rub her back for a song or 2, depending on how awake she is. I then walk out of the room and wait for her to scream... usually she just lets out one yell or none at all. She then almost always sleeps through the night!! I'm so proud of her :) FINALLY. We finally have a system... the sad part is the bottle is going to have to be eliminated VERY soon :( Then we have to start all over on an execution.

Health: Charlotte continues to be healthy as a horse. When we were back in Illinois, she did have quite a runny nose but it turns out it was because of her teething. Once her tooth popped through on February 25th, her runny nose stopped. We have proudly had her eczema mostly under control... a few little patches here and there.

Food: Our little eater... this child eats ALL DAY LONG. She gets up and right away she is ready for her juice and some dry cereal while she watches Chuggington, Barney, or Mickey. She then has toast, a waffle, bagel and some sort of fruit for breakfast. After her nap she usually has some whole milk/formula in a bottle and crackers or more cereal. For lunch she has anything from mac-n-cheese to chicken fingers to deli meat. She usually has an afternoon bottle sometime before or after her nap. But after her nap she must always have a snack... crackers, applesauce, yogurt, cookies, just something while she walks around and talks to Max and tells me stories. For dinner she has either whatever I am having or the same types of things that she had for lunch. Night time always includes a bottle. The bottle will be stopped as soon as this last can of formula is done. She doesn't mind whole milk but she will NOT drink it or formula out of a sippy cup. We shall continue to work on this. She prefers to do a lot of eating while she's walking around playing. Somedays I just let her do whatever... as long as she eats. She's such a peanut, I just want her to pack on the pounds. When we do occasionally go out to eat, Charlotte prefers places that we don't have to wait on a waitor or waitress... like East Bay Deli, Jason's Deli, Mccallisters, Chik-Fil-A. You know :)

On the Move: It's so crazy to think our little princess is a walker. She had been taking steps for a few months... a few random steps unassisted here and there. BUT on February 21st, while packing for Illinois, I look up and she was just walking toward me from the doorway of my room! I picked her up and screamed and jumped up and down and danced!! She kept doing that off and on. I was kind of worried she wouldn't keep it up because we were going to be traveling all the next day to Illinois. BUT she did keep doing it...and loved showing off her new walking skills for everyone in Illinois. Her daddy finally got to see her walk two and a half weeks later and at that point she wasn't crawling very much at all! She's on the move and into everything!! 

Playtime:  Charlotte still loves all of her books. LOVES them! She can say "buu" (book) and she brings them to you to read... although she doesn't really want you to take the time to read them bc she likes to just turn the pages. She is obsessed with Max and yelling "MAAA" while shaking his treats and offering him canned food. She is loving the cabinets and taking everything out of them. Her curiosity is ever increasing as she is able to move more and more. She still loves the outside and we've been trying to go on walks more that the weather is getting so much warmer and now that I am hoping to be out of the sick part of the pregnancy. She takes her stethoscope and brings it to you for you to listen to her heart. She places the end of the stethoscope on her chest for you to hear her heart go "bum bum". She now recognizes Grandpa Weber and calls him "Papa" in pictures, in person, and on Skype. She's started saying words like "hot", "woof woof", "shoes", "juice", "bah bah" (bottle), "waa waa" (water), "ish" (fish) and so many more. I could go on and on with this crazy kid...

Friends and Events: Charlotte got to meet so many more new important people in her life... She met baby Eliza Elliot, baby Adam Wayne Weber, and she met baby Parker Midgett. All of these sweet little ones will be in her life for a very long time and she will be great friends with all of them :) She loves babies so she was so excited to see all of them. She got to have a few playdates with Gavin. She was able to play with her cousins Mitchell and Carter when we went to Illinois and she was able to play with Mia and Dane for a few minutes in their massive play room. She was able to go on her 12th, 13th, and 14th plane rides. She saw her first snow...and ate some of the non yellow ones. We had a great month with fabulous lunch dates, play dates, and dinners with our friends that are more like family than friends...

Each day with her is amazing. I am so blessed to be a stay at home mom with her and work with her everyday. She will continue to amaze me everyday. Happy 13 months, Charlotte :) It's going by way too fast.

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