Sunday, March 18, 2012

Aunt Kathy's Visit - A Week of Fun :)

We love when Aunt Kathy comes to visit us. She isn't high maintenance, doesn't care about going and seeing all of the sights of Charleston, she just wants to hang out and spend time with us. It was so helpful to have this particular week because we had Open Houses two Sundays in a row. It was awesome having someone here to watch Charlotte while I cleaned, laundered, and did yard work. Mowing isn't very easy when you have a 13 month old trying to run into the road. Now I see why alot of people higher young boys to mow their lawn :)

But we had a full week! Charlotte and Aunt Kathy were buddies. They played together all day everyday. They played with dolls, took long walks everyday in the tricycle, they played outside, went to the park, read lots of books, and talked to Max...alot. Here are some random pictures of the week. Two of the ones I liked won't upload so I am going to try them in the next post.

Charlotte has started to really love her dolls. She carries them around, rocks them, feeds them, pats their backs, and shares them with other people.

She thought it was funny to press her face up to the patio door and make faces. Naturally, I thought it was hilarious and kept encouraging her to do it.

Aunt Kathy has MULTIPLE videos of her crawling in and out of the cat door on her Ipad. That Ipad with the camera came in so handy the week that she was here. She took tons of videos to take back to Illinois for family to see what a week with Charlotte is like. She even skyped with a few people on it. Charlotte LOVED that Aunt Kathy sees why our Ipad is hidden.

Before Christmas she didn't have a single doll, after Christmas she had 5. But this way we have them spread throughout the house. Speaking of babies, Aunt Kathy was able to go to the ultrasound with me and see the baby. Everything is right on target. He/she looks perfect. My friend Nicole babysat Charlotte. Charlotte loves going to Nicole's house :) It was a good day!

Her shirt is covered up here but it says "My Auntie Rocks" (courtesy of Aunt Bare)
On the Friday of the week Aunt Kathy was here, I went about my merry way. I went and had an eye appt and got some new glasses. I look very intellectual in them... they are wire rimmed. I got them done at Lenscrafters so they'd be done in an hour. I had to sign a second mortgage in order to do get them but I guess it was worth it. My eye sight had worsened since my last trip to the eye doctor. I also made a trip to Target and did a few other things. It was nice not having to fight with my kiddo while I did these things :)

After a day of being at the park, and going on walks and eating tons of fruit snacks, Aunt Kathy and Charlotte needed a nap.

After her nap, we went outside and played in the sprinkler. Charlotte LOVED the sprinkler....even if she didn't spend much time in it.

She found a golfball in our yard... it was the same golfball the IDIOT teenage neighbors hit at our house... the same one that struck outside of her bedroom window, the same one that requred me to call the cops and notify them. Well, she found it... and thought it was allllllher.

She's so busy and thoughtful.

"Here mom!"

A key part to Aunt Kathy and Charlotte's time together was walks. They walked everywhere!!!

...and they looked so cool doing it!!!

Max sometimes feels left out so I took a snapshot of him. Love this cat. He's so cool.

He even let Aunt Kathy KIND OF pet him.

AND they are OFF!!

The week went by way too fast. We had a great system all week long. Like I said before, Aunt Kathy was an amazing help. It helped me to realize how much I love my family and really wish we were closer... soon we will be there. Charlotte loved all of the one on one attention from her. Aunt Kathy and I were exhausted and in bed every night by 10 or 11 pm.

It was a perfect week!

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