Monday, March 5, 2012

Let March Begin!

As most of you know, Charlotte is a busy body. If there is something to find, she will find it. If there is something small enough to fit in a one year old's mouth, she will put it in her mouth. If there is a dog within 2 miles of our house, she will hear it and yell "dog-dog".

As March started off for us, the weather was decent... a few chilly days, then a few warmer days. We spent our first few days of March heading to the park and playing around the house alot. Our trips to Illinois always exhaust us so we knew we needed to stay around the house for a few days.

We have a great park about a mile, maybe less, away. It is perfect for her bc they have a toddler area and a bigger kid area. One rule for us is that we aren't allowed to go there after 2 pm. I don't really like older kids and I hate the way they bug the little kids. We stay away from them.

She is beginning to like the swing. It has taken some work and some time but we are getting there.

This beginning of March is also when she started grinding her teeth. See previous picture. I mean, who grind THREE TEETH????

I'm a big girl!!

Why ride when you can push it????

She loves to mess with dirt and stuff. This is the hole she digs on the side of the front porch. She loves loves loves to make a mess here. It looks like a dog has been digging in our flower bed!

Since we'd been outside for a few minutes, she needed to check her phone to make sure she didn't have missed calls.

And how amazing is this toy????? There are BUTTONS on it AND they make noise when you push them.

Ever so curious.. she probably tried to take a bit out of the tree after this.

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