Saturday, February 1, 2014

Goodbye Yaya

Well, the day has finally come.
It's time to say goodbye to the
We knew this was going to be a hard little break up. I woke up one day and I just decided it was time for the pacifier to no longer be a part of our lives.

I didn't warn her. Thirty minutes before naptime, I told her she would be going to sleep without her Yaya. I told her that it is time to give her Yayas to Aunt Bare's baby and to Baby Emily. I told her that since she will be turning three, she can't have a pacifier anymore.

She said she was fine with it.

It's all fun and games until the Yaya is actually taken away.
So, I put Sawyer down for his nap while she watched tv. I told her it was time for her nap.
She asked for her "Yaya".
I said, "No baby. We are done with yayas."
This was her reaction.

This lasted for like 5 minutes.
Eventually I got her upstairs and she laid in my bed with me.

She never did nap that day but that's ok. She was still a good girl.
We went to bed without incident. It took a good 45 minutes to get her to sleep that night. We rocked for a long time. However, she slept just fine.
The next day I was even  able to get her to take a nap...pacifier free.
Each night she actually did better and better with going to sleep.
She asked for her pacifier multiple times but she never threw anymore fits. I am so so proud of this girl. Her breakup with her best friend was pretty much drama free.

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