Saturday, February 8, 2014

Good Morning Birthday Girl!!!

Our Big Girl turned THREE YEARS OLD on February 8, 2014.
She woke up (with her curlers in her hair) to a decorated kitchen.


Happy Birthday to our sweet Charlotte!

We all came downstairs and sang "Happy Birthday" to Charlotte.

She was so excited to blow the candles out on her sprinkle donut (that she picked out)


I don't think she made a wish.... I made one for her.

It's a delicious!!!

We let her open one present. It was a caboodle (from Target).

She really needed something for her makeup!
After we finished breakfast, we got ready and headed to meet Gigi and Papa for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Uncle Poop and Aunt Bare met us there too.
Aunt Bare ordered some fruit because she wasn't very hungry.

Thank goodness she wasn't very hungry. There were only like 7 blueberry and a raspberry in that bowl.

He dressed up for the occasion.

Charlotte was a bit of stinker. She was overwhelmed with all of the excitement (she doesn't do well with excitement). She was crabby. She didn't want to eat. She didn't want to have anything to do with anyone. She was just too overwhelmed (which is just so frustrating as a mom who wants their kid to be perfect.) What finally turned her around (for a short while) was that she was able to use her money from Aunt Barbara Jackson that she got for her birthday in the mail.
She bought herself a dog and a kitty.

They make a lot of noise. Lots of yipping.
But she paid for them all by herself.

After we left Cracker Barrel, she got her present from Uncle Poop which was a keyboard and a microphone (perfect present for this diva.)
At Cracker Barrel, Charlotte got into Gigi's car and went with her for some special time with Gigi. (Momma had an important baby shower to attend so Aunt Bare would be watching Sawyer and Gigi would be watching Charlotte and spending time with her.) Charlotte threw a HUGE fit. Huge. She just couldn't understand why she was going to be by herself. She doesn't do well with change. But Gigi went ahead and took her and all was good!
They went to Dunkin Donuts for ice cream. BWUE ice cream.

She loves some Dunkin Donuts. How cute is her birthday outfit???
Then they went to see the fish at Bass Pro Shoppe.
Charlotte had an amazing start to her birthday. She had an adorable outfit and pretty hair. She got special time. She ate her favorite food. Happy Birthday to this amazing princess. Our life wouldn't be complete without her.


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