Friday, February 28, 2014

February Iphone Pictures #1

I take pictures of our daily happenings on my cell phone. I decided that I need to start putting those pictures on here too! There is always a story with the pictures. I want to remember the hilarious things the kids do.
On my way to the gym one morning, this is what the thermometer in the car read.

The kids love playing doctor. They love to play right by the front door. It's so cute to sit and listen to them as they talk to each other about it.

Big boy wearing his robe from Maw Maw!!!

We went to visit Daddy at work. All of the cars the kids went to were the expensive cars. This was the first one they chose.

Our potty trained little diva!! How sweet  does she look??? She was posing. Can you tell?

I feel like I am able to see what she will look like at like thirteen when she is annoyed and not wanting to do something I am telling her to do.

They were having a staring contest. Look at those blue eyes...

Playing in the snow!!
He was looking for a bowl. I think he finally found the one he wanted.
Note the no pants and one sock.

They love goggles.

Poor guy was tuckered out after playing in the snow. He didn't even get his snow clothes off before he fell asleep.

Jake left for the Air Force on February 4.

We made these signs for him and sent him a video.

Who loves orange chips???? This guy!!!!!!!

Big girl wore her sponge rollers in her hair.

How sweet does her hair look?
Wearing her sister's boots.

She wanted to play with the driving thing and he wouldn't let her. That's his "I'm not letting you have it" face.

As she walked away and fussed, he did a happy dance.

She was wearing her "mask" like Papa does.

The morning after her birthday, I took Charlotte to the movie theatre to see Frozen.

She got a Sprite soda and a pack of Starbursts.

How much does she love this movie???? She thought it was so cool!

We went to the movie with her friend Nadia and her mommy and sister. Afterwards we went and let them play games and take pictures. It was a fabulous birthday weekend for Goose!!!!!!!!!

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