Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

I got home from Chicago around 10:30 am and we headed down to Grandma Ann's that afternoon after I showered and got the car reloaded. Alex headed down when he got off of work. We hung out at Grandma's house that night. It was a good it always is :)

On Sunday afternoon we had Mallory's wedding shower. Melia did awesome job at planning it! (Mallory helped some.)  My cousin, Ryan, made the cakes. They were delicious!! They had tons of wines to sample, delicious food, and fun games.

I am so glad Mom was there to help with the kids. They just love to get into everything.

My kids love their food....

Charlotte and Kyla love each other :)

I would love to say that they sat like this for all of present time but that would be a lie.

Charlotte and Kyla loved helping Mallory with her gifts.

Mallory with her "blood" aunts on the Weber side.

Grandma Ann and Mallory

Sawyer loves to share his food:)

He loves his Aunt Didi.

Kyla loves shoes. LOVES THEM. She loves heels. She loves sparkles. She would go nuts in Mom's closet.

The Richard Weber girls :) (and baby Alana in Melia's belly)

Mallory and her bridal party.

After the shower, we headed out to Grandma's house. The boys had golfed and hung around the farm.
Sawyer was so happy to see his Papa.

Charlotte was so happy to see Wayne. She LOVES Wayne (or WEEN as she calls him)

This boy loves his trucks.

Eric got this four wheeler from someone for Wayne. Wayne isn't old enough to understand how it works so Charlotte took over.

And when she didn't feel like making it go, she had him push her. (She does this to him a lot.)

He is all boy too. He loves to "drive".

They got the hose out for some reason. Charlotte was chasing Wayne with it. I felt bad that she was doing it but he was laughing and acting like he liked it!

Eric and the babes.

She was a maniac on it. Kyla showed up to play as well. 

We went for a quick gator ride as the sun was setting.

This is God's country.

There is nothing like a Midwestern sunset.

Just beautiful.

We ate pizza and hung out and played for the remainder of the night.

The next day we had a cook out at Aunt Didi's house. We swam and spent the afternoon there.
Charlotte was IN A MOOD. Seriously in a mood. She got put into time out a few times. She didn't like anyone.

But she does always like Aunt Michelle, Kyla, and food.

Charlotte was begging Melissa for food.

Rich was doing his laps. Doesn't Aunt Didi and Uncle Grant's new pool liner look fabulous???

Kyla loves her "Bubby". 

Sawyer was a maniac in the water. He was blowing bubbles and everything.

Wayne loves the rocks. He loves to hold them, throw them, lick them. hang out with them. Charlotte use to be obsessed too. I wonder why?

He finally started to get used to his little floaty. He was really learning how to swim in it!!

Charlotte played for forever with Caleb.

No fear.

Charlotte looked at this picture and said Jake and Caleb's names. I love that she can't really see their faces but she knows it's them.

Another weekend spent hanging out and relaxing on the farm. we are so thankful we are close enough to spend so much time with family :) 

Happy Labor Day, y'all. 

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