Thursday, July 12, 2012

Aunt Kathy's Visit July 10-12

We were so excited when Aunt Kathy decided she wanted to come visit us in Georgia. Thankfully it worked out for her to come a few weeks after Mary had been here and before mom was planning to come visit. It turned out to be the perfect week because this was a week I would need quite a bit of help.

On Tuesday July 10, 2012, we got up early (Charlotte decided that 5:15 am would be the PERFECT time to wake up and stay up) and got ready. We headed for the Atlanta airport at 7:30 am so we could be there by 9 am. It's a nice easy drive from our house to the airport. We live 3 miles off of the interstate and the airport is right off of the same interstate. Easy stuff. We got to the airport, got parked, and people watched.

Charlotte thought she was so cool on daddy's shoulders.

Aunt Kathy's flight from St. Louis arrived a bit early (which I expected it would) and we were ready and waiting with our sign! We got her luggage and loaded her up into our bus and off we went!!

We ate lunch in Columbus at McAllister's Deli and headed home to hang out for the afternoon. I had to run to the doctor for my NST to check on the baby. Baby's heartbeat looked wonderful. I ran by the grocery store to get food for the week (it's always nice to get to go without my little partner in crime) and headed home. I was having contractions...apparently I wasn't drinking enough, but once I drowned myself in water, all was good. Alex grilled out some steaks and I made the rest of the dinner. It was delicious and so nice to sit down and have a FAMILY dinner. 

Wednesday we spent the day at home playing. We had had a busy day the day before so we welcomed a hang out day at home. Charlotte and Aunt Kathy always share Aunt Kathy's meals :) Aunt Kathy is not allowed to eat anything without Charlotte having a few bites of it. Here Charlotte is sharing Aunt Kathy's breakfast with her.

We watched Toy Story 3 everyday.

Charlotte loves it! I think Aunt Kathy had it memorized by the time she went home.

We "swam" outside in the backyard in the pool. Unfortunately the pool was having a bit of an issue and the top blow up layer with it would not stay inflated. SO ANNOYING. But we went outside and played anyway. Aunt Kathy and I got into the pool with Charlotte...which she loved. She played with her water table, her jungle gym and played in her pools. And naturally she had Aunt Kathy wrapped around her finger doing whatever she wanted for her. Shocking :)

We ate dinner, watched a little TV, and then it was bath time :)
I think Charlotte loves when we have guests that do her baths. Whenever family is in town (my mom, sister, etc.) they all do her baths and I use that bit of time to either get stuff done or to sit on my rump and grow a baby.  We were giving Charlotte baths in our huge bathtub but since I am getting larger by the second, it was getting harder to get her in and out of the tub...and uncomfortable for me to sit on the top of the tub and watch her. So now she gets baths in her own bath tub. This particular day she figured out that there was a bar in the bath tub. 

The water is yellow bc we have colored dissolving tabs that go in it. So we made pee colored water this particular day. She really do love bath time and we have started using bubbles occasionally. The girl is CRAZY about the bubbles. And it's one of the words she can say really well.
Charlotte loves her bath time with Aunt Kathy. They bond very well over bath time :)

After bath time, Charlotte went she always does. She runs around her room after she gets her jammies on and goes nuts. It's so funny. I need to figure out how to upload a video from my phone onto here. We are loving our time with Aunt Kathy and hate that she will only be able to stay for 6 days :)

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