Monday, July 9, 2012

The Girl Loves Her Food

I could take a million pictures of Charlotte eating. She LOVES her food and now that she is ever so independent, the food gets everywhere. At home I let her do her the safe confines of her high chair. (She is doing much better with the dropping of food on the ground...much better. It has taken quite a bit of yelling... a bit of timeout...and multiple hand slaps. She still has a BAD habit of dumping things out... like if she is snacking on dry cereal in the morning while watching cartoons, she will just dump it out. VERY FRUSTRATING. We are now using time out to get over that habit as well.)

We finally started letting Charlotte trying corn on the cob. I mean, she's half Midwestern, half Southern. The girl needs to know her corn, though.

Great form! I told Charlotte she needs to start taking lessons from her great aunt Didi on how to really eat an ear of corn (Kidding, Didi:)  )


I promised that I was going to let her try to eat chocolate pudding on her own. Here is how it went down.

Needless to say, we went straight to the bathtub this night :) Look how crazy she looks here :) But she ate the whole thing!!!

Even though these two pictures have nothing to do with eating, I just found them on my smaller camera and wanted to add them :)

Charlotte is obsessed with phones. She thinks whenever she sees one that she needs to call "Dada" or "Papa". Whether it's an old school play phone, a non working old cell phone/blackberry, a Fisher Price phone, a juice cup, or my real phone, she always feels the need to call one of the two. When Alex was leaving here in Georgia and we were still in Charleston or in Illinois, she pretty much always called him. But now that we live together, she mostly calls "Papa" and sometimes calls "Dada" when he's at work. She's funny bc she always puts it up to her right ear and tilts her head to the right and goes to town. She will walk around the entire house talking. She greets the person ("Hi Papa" or "Hi Dada") and then talks away. SO funny. 

Here she is on the phone with Papa while playing with her toys AND watching tv AND messing with the blinds. Already a multitasker.

This is a bit blurry but I love how she holds the phone. When "Papa" and her really do talk on the phone, she still walks around the house like this (even w him on speaker) and she barely talks bc when she actually gets to have contact w him, she gets bashful. 

I lead an exciting life, don't I??? :)

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