Monday, November 14, 2011

9 Month Check Up with Dr. Leonardi

 Charlotte had her doctor's appointment for her 9 month check-up. She was so excited to be out of her carseat when we got there that I had to bribe her to sit down by giving her Cheerios... I have a feeling this is going to be happening for the next few years. Bribe with snacks. It worked for awhile.
 She shooves as many in as she can. Her hand gets stuck in the little snack bowl and then she flips out. Its kind of funny, well, not when I'm driving and can't reach back to fix it.
 So her doctor's appt went well. We discussed everything from bowel movements to sleeping patterns. It was discussed that I need to let her cry it out. I've been dreading doing this since she was 3 months old and I moved her to her crib in her own room. I think of it and dread it every single night. So, Dr. Leon told me to put on my big girl panties and just get it over with. I asked if I could switch babies with him and take his 2 month old and he could let Charlotte cry it out at his house. He said his older daughters would love that! He told me if I couldn't handle it to just get drunk and have Alex deal with it :)
 We kept her on her soy formula but he said she can be advanced to regular foods and just eat whatever we eat... in small bites of course. That kind of tugged at my heart strings a bit. Real food??? What a huge step! I've been making her homemade baby food since she was 4.5 months old! Now, no more steaming, pureeing, freezing, etc. So crazy.
 I took these tutu pics the same day as her dr appt in the afternoon. She just looked so cute so I took a bunch of pics of her. I feel like in this picture she's saying, "This stupid house has terrible service!"
 She weighed in at 17 lbs which is the 25 percentile. I am so surprised that she is still a bit small. He isn't concerned. He says she's perfect the way she is. He referred to her as "thin" but in a good way. I wonder how she will gain weight now that we are doing all regular food :)
 How Hilarious is this face??!??!  "Welp, where should I go now?"
She ended up getting the rest of her flu shot. Oh it's so sad hearing her scream from that stupid thing. She did good, though. She stopped crying pretty quickly.
 "Mommy, I'm just a bit tired today. That silly shot got the best of me."
 "JUST KIDDING! Let's play!"
 This was taken after her afternoon nap. She had just woken up and I was giving her her afternoon bottle. She gets so excited about her afternoon bottle :) Well, any bottle to be exact.
 So she doesn't like the feel of grass... esp right now bc it's kind of hard and prickly.. so she keeps one leg up the entire time she's sitting in the grass. SO FUNNY!!!
Alright, time to call it a night. We started eating every leaf in sight.

The best compliment I got of the day over Charlotte was when the doctor told me she is a "neat kid". He was like, "She's just so cool." And it's true, she is cool. Her personality is hilarious and she is so active, fun-loving, and full of life. She's a gift from God.

Have a good day, folks. I am FINALLY up to date with this blog. Praise Jesus.

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