Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Perfect Little Sunday

On Sunday, June 1st, we had a day that started nice and lazy hanging out at home. We did normal naps and just enjoyed the warm weather and sunshine. Then we met Gigi and Papa down at the Riverplex for the Children's Miracle Network telethon. Uncle Poop was a Miracle Child when he was 15...after his first head injury. The Children's Hospital is so close to our heart. We went to the telethon to enjoy all of the children's activities that they had there.  Dad has also been asked to join the Children's Hospital Board of Directors so he definitely wanted to go.
I didn't take very many pictures. We were busy taking it all in. Sawyer and Daddy found the food first, then all of the activities. This was the fun parachute game.

Charlotte, my little busy body, clearly wanted to play with all of the activities first. We checked out the face painting (freaked her out) and we checked out some of the games. She finally found some fun at the craft table with markers and stickers.  This older lady came over and asked Charlotte what she was coloring and what she was doing. She was very nice. She was a volunteer just wanting to take the weight off of her feet for a few minutes. Well, Charlotte didn't like the look of her. This was Charlotte watching EVERY MOVE that she made. EVERY MOVE.

As the lady sat there, Charlotte said, "Mom, that's a mean lady. That lady right there, she's mean and yucky. I don't yike dat lady." She would NOT take her eyes off her.
Here is the lady on the right....and Sawyer not caring on the left.

Charlotte didn't get anything else accomplished at the table. We walked around and looked at the other booths.
Then we headed to one of our favorite places....EMO's for ice cream!!!
Isn't that the smile of a girl excited about ice cream?????

How handsome is that face??????

After ice cream with Gigi and Papa, we headed home to enjoy some outside time before the storm came through.
The kids got some cheap kites. Daddy put them together.
How sweet is this picture????

Mr. Show Off on his hog.


He was trying a different trick.
Didn't pan out like it was supposed to.

There we go....

She LOVES her kite.

That's a MEAN sky (just like the MEAN lady).

But before the storm....let's catch up on our reading on the back deck....

Oh, you know, just reading "Freight Train"

What a little stud.
It was a perfect little Sunday with our family.
We are loving this late spring weather!!

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