Tuesday, June 3, 2014

GDI Playdate With Water

We had a fabulous GDI playdate scheduled for Tuesday June 3. Amy hosted this little get together. It was so perfect. She is usually the host...because she is one of the houses in the middle...and she has such a perfect house....and a perfectly fenced in yard... and for some reason that's just how it usually goes. We all brought some yummy food to share, swimming suits for the kids, and a list of funny things we have forgotten to tell each other.
These two boys are just so cute. Only four months apart. I think they will be the best of friends just like their mommas.

Amy's yard looks so perfect and green in these pictures. It's BEAUTIFUL!
Check out the pool boy :) Pretty cute, right?

Amy got blue sand for the sand box/water table. She was like, "It seemed like a good idea" and then states "I'm not sure the stains come out." So funny. Clearly Nicholas didn't care.

Sweet Matthew. HE LOVED the bubbles. He was hoarding them.

Water table, sand box, pool, jungle gym, bubbles

Everyone in the pool!!!!

How cute is Addelyn's little get up??!??!

I love his expression here!!!
The cold water had just hit his back.

That blue sand....and Matthew hanging with the bubbles.

Sawyer had a pretty genius idea. Let me combine the bubble and the sand. This could be fun.
Yeah, no, not so much.

The Workman kids....and their beautifully pregnant mom sat with her cute pregnant feet propped up waiting for Baby Workman to make his arrival.

So pretty!

The older kids!!! Ages 5-1

And let's add in the two babies.... Logan in the carseat was about 6 weeks and Collin in the stroller was 2 and a half months.

How sweet is this baby Collin???

These two girls are always best friends when they are together.

Everytime we all get together, the time flies by. Our kids play and play. They never fight. They all just play and go with the flow. We talk as much as possible but leave feeling like we barely got to talk to each other. It's so refreshing and so good for my soul to be around my college girls. When you have lived with people, they know you....and hopefully love you anyway. So thankful for these friends.... As a group, we've been friends for 11 years. Our GDI sorority was established in 2003....in case you needed to know that....
Thanks for the great day, girls. It's always too short and makes me wish we all lived in the same block....like sister wives....but not as sister wives.... 

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