Tuesday, May 27, 2014

St. Louis Zoo Trip

On Tuesday, May 27, Mom and I took the kids to the St. Louis Zoo. We got there bright and early so that we could beat the heat.

She even came prepared with sunglasses.

And here is our crazy crew.

So, as we were walking in the zoo, we decided to take a potty break. This peacock decided to put on quite the show for us while we were on our break. It literally was doing circles so that everyone could admire it's feathers. I am pretty sure the peacock even did a bit of curtsey.

You can always count on Gigi to spoil these two. They wanted popsicles. Popsicles is what they got.
HUGE popsicles.

That is a really cute one year old with a really large popsicle.

How cute is that monkey in the background?

These monkeys were killing me. Just hanging out behind the glass. While everyone tried to get their attention.
Our group picture. A lovely couple asked if they could take it.

We took the choo choo train ride. The kids LOVED it. I, on the other hand, did not. I snuck my large drink on the ride. I put it in my ugly bag and tried to keep it sitting up between my feet. Well, that didn't work. There were LARGE signs everywhere telling you not to bring your drink on the ride. I see why now. And I had just filled it up right before the train. Ugh.

The fancy things you see at the zoo.

Looking for more animals.


"A hippo!!!!"

My pretty babies.

They were loving the zoo. The hippos is my favorite thing at the St. Louis Zoo. It's just so cool. We didn't get to see the giraffes or the tigers or cheetahs. For some reason none of them were out. But the hippos were. And they were swimming maniacs.
I think the kids' all time favorite is the elephants.

There was a dad, mom, and baby.
How sweet is this baby?????

They were in awe...

So cute.


We could have stayed there all day.

One of the last exhibits we saw had to do with rivers and the animals you see in river areas. This is a view of what the Mississippi River looks like under the surface. Makes me remember why I have never wanted to get in the water.

We ended up heading back to the Villa and then eventually made it back home with Mom with us. We had such a great day and the kids got basically anything that they wanted.
Thank you Mom for such a great day! Thank you for offering to take us and help me with my babes. It really was such a great day!!!

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