Sunday, October 20, 2013

She Loves Kitties...

As soon as Charlotte woke up on Sunday morning, she was looking for the baby kitties :)

She is nuts...

We had a slow morning of hanging out at Grandma's house. Alex went and helped Uncle Grant and Uncle Darrin cut wood. Us girls helped Grandma cook a DELICIOUS lunch (it was amazing) and we helped get it cleaned up while the kids played outside. Dad and Jim spent the day farming again.

Alex and the cousins went to shoot guns on the farm afterwards.
The kids wouldn't nap longer than 20 minutes for whatever reason (that just really makes for a LONG day).
But we eventually took them down to see the shooting.

Sawyer was more into sitting on the four wheeler "driving".

Charlotte loved it....esp wearing the ear muffs.

Jake....although when Alex, Jake and Chase have hats, similar clothes on, and facial hair, it is hard to tell them apart from a distance and from the back.

Watching them shoot...

Siblings shoot. (I thought I had a picture of these two and Katie shooting.)

Alex was teaching Charlotte how to shoot.

Kisses from Aunt Didi.

After the shooting we went back to Grandma's house and played with the kitties again. These poor cats. How scary for them :)

She is in love though.

Sawyer is just hanging out on the bench...

After this I took the kids to Aunt Kathy's house for a bath in her bath tub. Then we headed back to Grandma's house, ate a quick supper, then got on the long road home.

It was a great weekend spent at the farm. 
Happy Harvesting Farmers!!!

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