Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sawyer Month Update: Fourteen Months

Date: October 8, 2013

Weight: About the size of a 14 month old :)

Height: Taller than a cat and shorter than Charlotte

Teeth: I think he is averaging 2 teeth a month. Sawyer has 8 teeth now. He got his 8th tooth today actually! He has his four front teeth on top and his four front teeth on bottom. He usually is a bit crabby as they break through (but I have no idea that's why he is crabby at the time) and he usually gets a small diaper rash while they cut through. Charlotte always spiked a pretty good fever but he doesn't do that. The main thing I notice when he is teething is the fact that he chews on his fingers more and he tends to bite (OOPS) more.

Clothes: We are continuing to rock the 12 month clothes with some occasional 9 month clothes thrown in here. He is rocking his size 4 shoes... his crocs, his tennis shoes that Charlotte calls his running shoes, and his velcro nerdy shoes. He is wearing size 3 diapers during the day and size 4 diapers at night.

Sleeping: Our little prince wakes up around 6:30 am every morning. He takes 1-2 naps per day.... usually 2 but if it's a late nap then it's just 1 nap. He has a tendancy to fight the napping off and on.  He usually naps between 2 and 4 hours every day. The saying that "the more sleep a baby gets the more they need" does pertain to Sawyer. When he gets very little sleep, he is like the energizer bunny. He just goes and goes. By 7pm every night, he is ready to go to bed. He just isn't much for staying up late. Sometimes he is fussy and wants to go to bed but it will take 30 minutes to get him to sleep. He will then sleep anywhere from all night to he might wake up 3 times (with the average being one). He still loves to be rocked to sleep and we have been doing a few ounces of warm cow's milk in a sippy cup before bed. 

Health: Big boy has been nice and healthy this month!! It was a far cry from the month of August :) We are happy to have our happy, healthy, sweet boy home.

Food: Bring it all on!!! He is still loving all food. He continues to start his day with his donuts and his cereal and whatever else anyone else eats on top of it. He eats all day long...still. He is really loving to eat cheese with lunch (usually with his lunch meat). Charlotte has passed on her love for "orange chips" (Baked Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles) to him. He could eat an entire bag. His favorite foods continue to be any and all meat, popsicles, ice, and suckers. Such a man :)  He still loves his juice but could care less if he gets water in his cup instead. He is pretty laid back. If you give it to him, he will eat it... except for bananas... not a banana man :)

Talking: Charlotte and Sawyer, sometimes these kids couldn't be more different :) Sawyer still isn't crazy about talking. He does say "Momma, Dadda, Gigi, Papa, Hi, Bye, More, Dog Dog, Woof". He is starting to jabber more and more. When he sees tractors he points and yells "DAA DAA" and when he sees a big truck he just yells "DUCK". (But he doesn't know what a duck is :)  ) So he is trying to talk talk more. We just need to keep working with him. He is also mimicking Charlotte all of the time. If she coughs, he coughs. If she yells and throws a tantrum, he will yell too. If she sings, he will sing.  Pretty soon he will be talking nonstop. 

Favorites: Our newest most favoritest thing is books. He really loves books. He will find one and bring it to you and curl up on your lap. Now, he doesn't want you to read it to him and he most certainly doesn't want you turning the pages but he does love them! He loves being outside. He STILL LOVES the vacuum. I think it is really his best friend. He loves brooms.... he can spot them a mile away and he walks around with them.  He is so independent...he is even trying to dress himself occasionally. He loves to try to put his shoes on. He is obeying commands. If we tell him to go get his shoes, he will go get them. If we tell him to throw his diaper or something into the trash, he will go do it for us. One day he had been walking around with his shoes in his hands. When I went to put them on him, I couldn't find them. When I asked him where they were, he walked over to the trash can and pointed in it saying "da da da da". I look inside and there the lay :) He knew... If he brings me one shoe, I will tell him to go get the other one from the pile and he will go to a big pile of shoes and bring me the correct match. He loves tractors and animals. When he pets cats and dogs, he makes a high pitched humming sound. It is so cute :) It will melt your heart. He loves to push toys and loves to push Charlotte as she is riding around on push toys. When he gets mad he will try to cross his arms (in a very dramatic way) but he looks more like T-Rex when he does it. He has started pushing Charlotte around to get his way. She can no longer dominate him all of the time. He knows his eyes, nose, toes, ears, hair, teeth, mouth, face, and hands. And his favorite thing of all is......anything that Charlotte is playing with....

And the story of Sawyer continues on....

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