Monday, October 4, 2010

Cramping,oh cramping...

So apparently I am averaging a month between posts.... Sorry... I actually have no idea if anyone even reads this. I will be better. I promise. Onward and upward.

I am cramping. Again. Ugh...

You know, I always just think I am being dramatic or making it up so I just let it go when things like this happen. For example, right after I got preggo, BEFORE knowing I was preggo, I had a UTI. I tried to treat it on my own with over the counter remedies. I feel certain I am a doctor in my own mind. I dealt with the UTI for two weeks!!! After realizing I was pregnant, I knew I had to get it treated. When I finally went to the doctor, he said I was fine. I had drank 6 liters of fluid over a 12 hour period... of course my urine is going to be completely clear and he said I didn't need any meds. I begged for him to give me some sort of antibiotic (I felt like a druggie begging for narcotics.) So, he prescribed me one. Two days later my OB called to say my urine culture was back and was in fact positive. I was like, "Told you so."

So I am worried that is what's going to happen if I go to to the doctor for my cramping. It started on with me feeling really crappy on Saturday night which I told myself was just from exhaustion. I had worked Thurs and Fri and threw a party for friends on Sat. Very little sleep was had. After sleeping off and on all night on Saturday and after 14 hours in the bed, I got up at noon and ran errands on Sunday. The "menstrual cramps" started within 30 minutes of me getting up and being active. Of course I can diagnose myself, so I called my best friend and asked her if she had them while pregnant. No. I called my other best friend who was working on the OB floor at the time and asked if this is normal. No. Both stated I should call the doctor. Do I call? No. I go shopping.

After two hours of shopping, on and off "menstrual" cramping, and back pain, I end up at Babies R Us. A sales person takes one look at me and says, "Are you ok? You don't look well." I say, "Thank you" and smile. At that point, I decide it's time to leave and go on bedrest for the remainder of the day. After three hours of time on the couch, I wanted to poke my eyeballs out. But I was continuing to cramp off and on. By cramping, I don't mean pain. There was no pain. Just discomfort. I really felt like my time of the month was in full swing. My back hurt, my cramping hurt, and there was no comfortable position. On top of all of this, my uterus was starting to tighten intermittently. There was no pattern to any of this at all either. Ugh...

The hubster was on his way from Marine Corps weekend most likely excited to see my face and have me be jump all over him. Instead, he got greeted with a phone call while driving that told him I was cramping. The next phone call he received was me telling him I had talked to the doctor on call. Poor guy. He was so worried. He didn't even want me walking up and down the stairs. :) Such a good hubby. (I did walk the stairs however. He can't lift this moose right now.)

After talking to a family friend, she said call the doc. I was shaking so bad. And my voice was cracking from nerves. I felt like I was calling about a patient at work. I seriously get myself so worked up that I can't function. :) She was very nice and called me back. She told me to take a hot shower and tylenol and call her back if it didn't go away. So I listened and obeyed.

I never called her back. I have had some cramping still but it's not terrible I have been on bedrest for 27 hours now (I had to take a break from it here and there.) It's time to get ready for work. We'll see what happens tonight. I will at least be in a safe place... they deliver babies where I work, ya know? :)

I will keep you up to date. I promise to write again within the next month :)

Happy Monday...

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's off to work I go....


  1. SARAHWEBERHERE!!!! You need to SLOW your cute little self down--Please take care of yourself and your sweet little baby! Call me if you want to chat. LOVE YOU!! ~xoxo

  2. Sarah #28~
    You need to take care of yourself and your little baby. I was the same way when I was first pregnant. I was determined to not be one of those pregnant women who complain about every little thing while they are pregnant and I wasn't going to make people wait on me hand and foot just because I was pregnant. However, it all caught up to me in the end and I ended up with high blood pressure, cramping, early contractions etc. Make sure you are taking care of yourself and not pushing yourself too much. It is hard to be dependent on people, but for a little while, you might have to!
    Take care!
    Annie Peight
