Rough week on the health front for me...
Went to the doc for my 22 week appointment. I about had a stroke when I stepped onto the scale. I saw a number that I had never seen before on the scale... even at my fattest of fat. Geesh. I gained 9 pounds in 4 weeks. Needless to say, the ENTIRE office knew I was mad about it and knew I was going on a diet. :) Yeah, yeah, I'm pregnant. Yeah, I am supposed to gain weight. However, to go from gaining 8 pounds over 18 weeks to gain 9 more pounds in just 4 weeks is a bit ridonkulous. So in my head, as I waited the 40 minutes it took for the midwife to get done with hospital rounds and see me, I decided to go over all of my meals in the last 4 weeks.
Since my last weigh in I have... (no worries, I'm not going to name the meals, just the circumstances)...
-Been to Illinois for almost a week. Now, Illinois has all of my favorite foods. The fattest I have ever been (until now) was when I was living in Illinois. I ate my feelings back in the day. So, when I am back on my old stompin' ground, all of my favorites seem to find their way into my belly. I also had cake and cookies GALORE while I was there for Jennifer's wedding festivities.
-I threw a bridal shower for Alysia and Lee. Since no one wanted to take the rest of their food home, they left it at my house. I had enough chips and sweets to last me a lifetime. For the entire week after the shower all I did was graze around the kitchen.
-Alex and I threw a chili party. I ate for an entire day. This event was held less than 48 hours prior to my weigh in. I have the slowest digestive system known to man so I know that I was still holding 85% of that food in small and large intestines :) (You are so glad you are reading this...)
-I worked all night prior to my doctor's appt. I drink this 2 liter bottle thing and that particular night I had 3 of these bottles. I was a bit swollen and I am hoping some of that weight was "water" weight.
Oh, weight gain, how I loathe you.... None of those are excuses. Trust me. Alex is ready for me to never bring up weight gain again. Poor young chap is so tired of hearing me say I'm fat. My midwife didn't lecture me. She just pointed out that she saw how much I had gained but once she looked at my trend of weight gain, she said it was ok. Ok my butt.... We are changing things this week :) (As I nibble on the last piece of cake in the house from the party last weekend.) I'm buying a scale now so that I don't have to deal with going into a states of depression once every four weeks. I don't think Alex can handle it.
I also have a cold. I was feeling a bit crappy on Monday but ignored it. Got my flu shot on Tuesday. By Wednesday I felt like a dump truck had hit me. I went to work Thursday only to have the two girls I worked with that night spend the first three hours of the shift trying to get me to leave. I totally felt the love. They'd call people to come in for me when I'd be out of the nursery checking on some of my babies. It's funny, bc when I wasn't pregnant and felt and acted the same way, no one cared. Now that I am knocked up, they send me home every chance they get. Good thing I go part time as of Sunday! :)
So now I am doped up on Tylenol cold and flu. I'm going into work tonight bc I can't leave them hanging. I think it'll be fine. Besides, after tonight I have an entire week off! HOLLA!!
Hope you are all doing fabulous :)
Bambino is kicking away... best feeling in the world :)