Thursday, August 26, 2010

Are there really two lines???

So, welcome, my dear friends, to my other blog...the blog about marriage, babies, and grown up life. But mostly, about my baby.

Here is the Bambino timeline thus far, just to get you up to speed, in you don't know already...

Alex and I decided that we weren't getting any younger and that maybe we should think about kids sooner rather than later. So, I went off of birth control and we decided to let nature takes it's course. Knowing I had been on birth control for years (bc of cysts) I knew that it would take awhile to get out of my system so we just decided to roll with it and see what happened. I saw my OB/GYN for my yearly on May 11. We talked about it and she said to just go with it and see what happens. But she said, "Do not start doing those ovulation tests and everything. Just relax and it will happen." Alex left for Africa for three weeks on May 28th... Bye Bye Hubby... Your life shall soon change...

On June 6th, after a night of partying with my college friends in northern Illinois, I got up at 6 am in the hotel room we were all staying and took a test. It appeared negative so I gathered up all of the evidence and threw it in my suitcase. Two days later, I woke up at my grandma's house, again at 6 am, to get on the road back to SC. Before my shower, I took another test since I had not had a monthly visit yet. TWO LINES. I was like, "What do I do now?" My sister was half asleep in the next room and grandma was asleep on the couch. Should I tell someone. Nope, instead, I take a shower. I looked down at my stomach at one point and said, "I guess I'm not alone in here anymore..." Such a strange feeling. Since I was unable to tell Alex, I went out to my car at 6:15 am and called one of my best friends from college. No answer. Crap. I called my best friend in South Carolina. She answered by saying..."Yesss?????" She was expecting my call :) She knew I was pregnant. She just knew. That's what best friends are for... Eventually I told my sister while we drove back to South Carolina. I thought she was going to wreck Black Betty (my car)... Oh, and after looking back at the preggo test from Sunday, there was a very faint line. Apparently when you take those things you need to wear your glasses and not be hungover while doing it bc there is a chance you MIGHT misread them.

On June 9th, my sister and I ate lunch with my SC best friend and then I took another pregnancy test in the bathroom of the restaurant. I mean, why wouldn't I pee on a preggo stick in Jason's Deli bathroom? It stated "PREGNANT" right away. The tears started flowing. My best friend at this point is 9 months pregnant and I am one month pregnant. We were all a sight for sore eyes. It was in that moment that it became real. I was thinking, "So I think my life is about to change." My first big hurdle... decreasing my caffiene and diet soda intake.

June 10th was my first OB visit but just for blood work. I had worked all night the night before and I was a bit wound up. After taking my blood pressure and asking me questions, the poor medical assistant was like, "Are you a bit nervous?" Let me see, um I just found out I am carrying a human being in my uterus that I will be responsible for from now until the end of time. No, I'm not nervous. This is a typical Thursday for me. After drawing enough labs for me to possibly need a blood transfusion after, she let me go home. The worst part of that day... being weighed. Nothing will depress you more than stepping on a scale. Ugh... However, Baby Bambino received his/her first gift this day. Aunt Meem has already provided boy and girl sunglasses and blankets for the baby in the belly...

June 14th - I was at the most dreaded place in the world. Walmart. Ugh. I got a phone call from my husband saying he was back on American soil and I needed to pick him up in Greenville (3.5 hours away) in 7 hours. So, I ran home, showered my body, and went to my best friend's house where she had dinner waiting. We made a shirt for me to wear that said "Baby Jackson" on it. This would be my way of telling Alex he is going to be a dad. It was the best I could come up with. So Alex found out on June 15th at 1 am that he is going to be a daddy. He was pretty shocked.... but extremely excited. We talked about names, nurseries, holidays, and our cat all of the way back to Charleston... It was perfection... and we had McDonalds which rocked my socks off.

July 6th we saw our baby for the very first time. I almost had a Rachel from Friends moment where I wanted to say, "I don't really see it." But once she got a good picture of the heartbeat, it became so very real. So crazy that something so very tiny could cause such nausea and tiredness. Our due date is officially February 14, 2011. On July 6th, Bambino was 1.42 cm long. It was so beautiful and perfect and made me tear up.

July 27th I heard the heartbeat for the first time. I was 11 weeks and 1 day preggo. To finally hear it, was soooo cool. I cried. Surprising I know. I had to see the doc that day for heart palpitations. Apparently my body hates night shift. A girl's gotta work so there isn't much I can do about that right now. I just need to take it easy and listen to my baby holder (my body.)

August 3rd I saw the baby again just by chance. I went in for my 12 week visit, the medical assistant said that if she couldn't hear the baby's heart beat she was going to do an ultrasound since I was still early. She ended up hearing it but I told her I wouldn't mind the ultrasound. When she put the ultrasound on my belly, she got the most perfect profile picture of my baby. It looked like something out of a magazine. The most perfect forehead, nose and mouth were right there. She started moving it around and the arms and legs went crazy!!! The baby was flopping everywhere! I starting crying... shocking... I know. So awesome. It was just a blob four week prior. Now, it looks like a baby!!!! She went to take a picture of Bambino and the little turd turned it's butt towards and wouldn't turn back. It was amazing though....

My next appt is on Monday. Nothing too special planned for that day...

We are super pumped. I have copious amts of pictures and random stories to tell and issues to vent about... That's why this blog might just become my best friend and shoulder to lean on.

It's 5:30 in the morning and I really need to try to sleep again. Oh the joys of pregnancy and having worked night shift for 7 years. I hope at least three people will be interested enough to follow this blog... and I promise, all of the postings will not be 10 pages long.

Happy Thursday

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